Part 60

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Part - 60


"In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you"


Madhu's hands were busy peeling off the skin of boiled potatoes but her eyes were fixed on her husband who was sitting on the opposite couch, perfectly positioned himself to face the entrance as he anxiously gazed that way.

"Why haven't they come home yet?" Rishab wondered out loud.

"It's too early, Rishab. They will come once they have woken up." She said smashing the boiled potatoes.

"It's close to 9, Madhu. Why do they sleep this late? Did they forget today is Naira's engagement and we have lots of work to do?"

"Function is at evening only" she reminded him. "You don't have to panic. We have done all the arrangements. You just have to take Veer to the venue and check with him whether everything is perfect. Oh and don't forget to get the engagement rings."

"First thing I am going to get that." He was only waiting for the jewelry shop to open.

"Not before breakfast." She wouldn't have him run around in empty stomach. She kept the mashed potatoes aside and started kneading dough for paratha.

"What are you making for breakfast?" Rishab asked. Whenever Veer comes home, Madhu does all the cooking as he likes it more.

"Stuffed paratha" It was one of Veer's favorites.

"Hmm" he turned his gaze back to the entrance. Come home soon, baby. Daddy is waiting. He was missing his daughter terribly.

"I think they are here." He said when he heard a car sound.

Madhu shook her head. One day, he couldn't stay without seeing his daughter. He was getting restless and crazy. Then how is he going to handle this for the rest of his life? She worried.

A moment later, Naira and Arjun walked in first laughing over something. Veer and Inayat walked behind them, holding one another's hand.

"Mommy jaan, good morning." Arjun went straight to his mother and bending down, he kissed Madhu's cheek lovingly before taking a seat next to her.

"Daddy" Naira slumped down on the couch next to her dad and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Missed me?" She asked cutely.

"Why would I?" Rishab asked nonchalantly. "Your mom and I had fun having the whole house to ourselves. Didn't we, Madhu?" He asked casually.

Had fun?

"Yeah, yeah, right" Madhu agreed smirking.

Boy! You didn't sleep from the moment you realized Naira wasn't at home and now you say you didn't miss her?

Smiling, Veer sat on the other side of Madhu and placed his hand behind the sofa as he softly greeted her "Good morning, maa" Madhu kissed her son's cheek in return. She missed him so much. My baby!

"You didn't kiss me when I greeted you." Arjun complained. Sighing, Madhu turned to Arjun's side amd kissed his cheek's well making him happy. 

"Really?" Naira pouted. "I thought you would miss me..."

"Maybe, I missed you a little." Rishab said to appease her. Then he noticed Inayat standing and watching them with a smile. "Why are you standing there, dear. Come, sit with daddy." He said it casually but it brought tears of joy to Inayat. Blinking her eyes rapidly to hold back her tears, she went and sat with him, right opposite to her husband. "You okay?" Veer mouthed at her.

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