Part 12

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PART - 12

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"There Is No Love Without Pain"

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"Naira! Open the door!" Madhu banged on Naira's bedroom door but she refused to open. "Baby, let momma in. We will talk, sweetie"

"Why is she mad at you, Rishab? What did you do?" Madhu asked worriedly. "What happened at Sabeer's place?"

"Naira open the door" Rishab ordered and they heard some glass article crashing on the floor and breaking into pieces.

"Naira baby open the door, please. Don't hurt yourself" Madhu pleaded tapping on the door.

"Mom, we will give her some time to calm down" Veer suggested.

"Tell me what you told her that upset her, Rishab?" Madhu shouted at her husband.

"I told her to get out of the car and not to show her face to me till my anger subsides." He recited his words.

"What? Why did you say that? How could you say such words? You know how sensitive our Naira is, then why? What has gotten into you, Rishab? Yesterday, you slapped her for the first time and today you harshly scolded her... Why are you scaring that poor kid by taking your wrath on her?" Madhu ranted.

"Sabeer doesn't love her and she wants to beg him to love her. Is this what we taught her, Madhu? I thought my daughter would gracefully walk out of his house but she created a racket and embarrassed me. That made me so mad and I said what I said" Rishab shrugged his shoulders.

"I knew it! I knew that boy doesn't love her but who listened to me? You only supported her stupidity and now see she is hurt. You brought this to her, Rishab." She accused him jabbing her finger in his chest.

"Madhu, you can't blame me like that. You know I always want our kids to be happy and I won't do any shit that will hurt them" Rk said glaring at her with raging blaze.

"Oh my baby boo!" Arjun turned his mother around and drew her into his arms, breaking the stare match she was having with his dad.

"Cool down, beautiful. My crazy Naira di loves to create a scene like this at least once in a month so there is nothing to worry... Well, we have to worry about cleaning the mess she creates now." Arjun said with a laugh and they heard another breaking of glass sound. "I think she has her ears stuck to the door and listening to us" Arjun said in a supposedly whisper but it was audible to everyone.

"Is your brother always like this..." Inayat asked her husband in amusement.

"Like what?"

"Funny" she said hesitantly.

Veer chuckled and nodded his head affirmatively.

"I guess I like him" Inayat whispered.

"I like you too, bhabhi, mainly when you blush" Arjun said with a wink hearing what Inayat softly muttered. Veer scowled at his brother. Inayat's cheeks turned to a deep shade of pink as she blushed.

"Madhu, you go to your room. Kids will talk to her and cool her down." Radha advised.

"You come with me" Madhu dragged her husband along so that she can probe him and get to know more about the actual issue.

Veer and Arjun cajoled Naira to open the door but she didn't so they let her be herself and went to do their own business.


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