Part 36

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This part is exclusively for all VEERAT (Veer-Inayat) lovers!

Part - 36


"Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire you to change and grow"


"Inayat, let's go home?" Veer asked.

After finishing their dinner, Inayat wanted to go for a walk and Veer reluctantly agreed to it. They left the jeep near the hotel and took a stroll.

"We have hardly walked a mile from the hotel" Inayat just wanted to hold her husband's hand and walk as long as possible. She knew once they returned home he would leave back to his cantonment and she wouldn't get this time again.

"Inayat, it's snowing and you are shivering. I want to take you home" he said drewing her closer to him and they took a U turn to get back to the hotel parking lot. Though they were wrapped with sweaters and jackets they still felt the cold strike their skin. He didn't care much because he was used to it but he worried Inayat would fall sick. "I can't believe it's snowing in August"

"Today Kashmir recorded the lowest day temperature so it's no surprise for me to see the fresh bout of snowfall at night time"

"Weather is so unpredictable here."

"Really? I thought Kashmir was cold and breezy throughout the year?"

"Yeah but at times it gets extremely cold. I freeze when I sleep on snow bed whilst camping outside the army quarters. And I hate having cracked lips" Veer muttered and pressed his lips together to ease the soreness.

Inayat looked at his chapped lips and without realizing she took her hand closer to his mouth and softly caressed his lips with her thumb making him go still. Though her touch was gentle, it felt electrifying to him.

"I can feel your lips so rough and dry beneath my thumb pad" she whispered looking at his lips. She wanted to kiss him and moisten his redden lips. She even inched forward but stopped. It wasn't her thing to kiss in public place.

Veer was so lost in her soft touch and he could feel his sore lips healing.

"Are you not using lip balm, Veer?"

"Are you going to kiss me, Inayat"

They both talked at once.

Inayat looked wide eyed and shook her head in no.

"Good" he said with a smirk.

"Why? You don't want me to kiss you?" She asked failing to hide her hurt.

"I do but not in public, that too when I am in my uniform"

"Why?" she frowned in confusion.

"Most of the Kashmiris are not fond of Indian Army and if they see me, a soldier kissing you, a Kashmiri girl in public, they will think and talk rubbish."

"I will tell them you are my husband" she said wrapping her hands around his neck and hugging him. She wouldn't let people talk nonsense about her husband.

"So it's true?" He asked placing his hand on her hips. She felt warm and comfortable with the closeness. She didn't panic and push him away.

"What's true?" She leaned back and asked looking at his eyes.

"What you said the other day on phone is true."

She frowned still not getting what he was talking.

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