Part 52

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Part - 52


"You are that once in a lifetime dream come true"


"Inayaa..." Veer whispered her name burying his nose in her hair and inhaled her sweet intoxicating smell "...turn and look at me"

She shook her head as she gribbed the metal railing tightly.

"What is all this?" He asked making no move to touch her. He could feel her tensing up already so he kept his distance.

"I bet your brother would have already hinted you"

"Hinted?" He chuckled. "That big mouth blurted out everything to me" From behind he got a glimpse of her blushing cheek.

"He said he and Naira only helped you in decorating this room"

"Yes. Naira picked this dress for me..."

"Will you turn around and show me your dress?"

"No. I am shy"

"So all night am I going to see your back?" He asked teasingly. 

"Arjun, got us a chocolate truffle cake..."

What am I asking and what is she saying?

" cut and celebrate" she said to divert his interest on something else, something yummy than her. Meanwhile, she could relax her raging nerves.

"Celebrate? What? Our union?" He smirked.

"Yes... Um... No... " she stammered. "He did the decoration on bed too." Please look somewhere, anywhere, Veer but not at me. You are making me more and more nervous.

Veer turned around and looked at the bed. When he got into the room he didn't notice it as his gaze was transfixed on his gorgeous wife.

With roses Arjun had designed a huge heart shape on the bed and inside it he had neatly arranged the rose petals to spell out the word 'Love' and then he had artistically scattered the remaining rose petals on the bed.

On the bedside table Veer noticed the aforesaid cake and a champagne bottle with two flutes. Each flute had a stemmed rose in it.

"This boy is a born romantic" Veer chuckled.

"Yes" Inayat agreed with a smile. She was still in surprise at how beautifully he had transformed the room.

"But I can't believe you asked him to help you... um... in this... er... for our... you know..." He scratched his forehead as he started sweating. He was as nervous as she was.

"I didn't seek his help or Naira's for that matter." She said offended. "I just asked ammi's permission to let me spend the night here with you..."

You approached the wrong person, sweetheart. You should have simply asked my dad to drop you here and he would have dropped you without a question.

"And she rightly guessed why..." She hung her head down and face palmed.

Rest you don't have to tell, baby. I can guess that for myself.

My mom would have ordered Arjun and Naira to create this romantic set-up for us.

Hell, this is so embarrassing.

"Oh but why here, Inayat?" He wanted to know that.

"You told me once that this apartment was where your parents made their lives together. This was where they had you and Naira..."

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