Part 6

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[WARNING - Sensitive issue is touched in this part and it will be really emotional. Please don't read this part if you can't handle too much of tragedy]

No time to proofread so excuse the mistakes!

PART - 6

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The Scars You Can't See Are The Hardest To Heal"

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"I would like to marry in this Muhurat (auspicious time) ..."

"Don't tell me you want to marry that girl" Madhu warned pointing her finger at Inayat.

"Yes, I want to marry Inayat now" Veer said decisively.

"Great! I will ask my Junior Mhd. Aashiq to prepare the Nikahnama (Marriagr contract)" Roshan said with a smile "And Veer, you make sure to send me a cheque of Rupees 50K for doing this job" he added behaving like a typical Advocate.

Madhu slapped Roshan's arm asking him to shut up. Roshan pinched his ear and mouthed 'Sorry, auntie'

"Veer, we would like to talk to her family" Rishab said in a calm tone.

Veer was about to open his mouth to talk but his mother cuts him off. "What's there to talk? Veer is not going to marry her" Madhu said firmly.

"You don't get to decide that, Madhu" Rishab admonished her.

"Only you get to decide huh? I am the mother and I get to decide about my kids' future. If you hadn't stood by Naira's side and supported her stupidity, I would have convinced her by now and got her married to my Roshan boy but you messed up. And now again you are supporting Veer..."

"Madhu, tone down and listen to me" Rishab placed his hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it asking her to calm down.

"I am not deciding anything here. Kids are making their own decisions. They know what they want and what they don't want..."

"They don't know anything, Rishab. We have to guide them..."

"Madhu, just because we are calling them 'kids and babies' even now doesn't mean they are innocent and immature babies who need our guidance"

"No, you are wrong"

"Maybe, I am but let's give them the chance to show us they are right. Let's first ask what Veer and his girl want"

"There is no use in talking with you at all because you are not going to listen to me. You never listen to me, Rishab. You always convince me and grant them their wish" Madhu said getting upset over him and swatted his hand off her shoulder. She walked away from him and sat on the bed. Roshan sat next to her, taking her hand in his and offered her a soft smile.

"I better adopt you as my son, Roshan. You are the only one understanding me, here" Madhu said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"What's the need to adopt me when I am already your son, auntie?"

Madhu lifted her head up and nodded her head in agreement with a smile.

"Dad, I want to marry her" Veer said again.

"You already told me that Veer and first stop using that selfish word "I" when it comes to love, life and marriage. Tell me 'We love each other and we want to marry'..." Rishab chided his son.

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