Part 43

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Part - 43


"Love never gives up"


Two days later,

The family was having a lazy time, enjoying their evening snacks and tea/coffee in the backyard. 

"Inayat, I spoke to my friend Trishna about your job and she wants to see you on Monday." Madhu informed.

"Oh" Inayat looked nervous.

Why? To conduct an interview? Am I prepared for it?

I know nothing about editing or publishing. I just love to read good books.

Ya Allah! Will I fit in this job? Do I want this job in the first place? She had these questions in her mind ever since Veer brought up this job topic.

He even assured her that she could do it but she was lacking confidence.

"Don't worry, Inayat. It's just an informal meeting. My friend wants to see my daughter in law and have a cup of coffee. That's all." Madhu said noticing she was panicking. "I will also be accompanying you so you need not worry... But yeah, we will be discussing a little about your new job and your salary package." Madhu took Inayat's hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Okay" Inayat smiled a little.

"Don't sweat your palms. We are here for you" Madhu reminded her. Inayat nodded her head and fondly smiled.

"Guys, don't make any plans this Saturday." Arjun said.

"Why?" Radha asked though she had no plans. She was always free.

Madhu and Inayat looked at him with genuine interest. Naira was not in this world at all, she was lost elsewhere. And Rishab was sipping his tea, looking non-committal because he already knew what it was all about. Kathryn had already told him and personally invited him too.

"Kathryn is shifting to her new home this friday and she is hosting a small party this Saturday. She has invited us all for that party"

"Oh wonderful! I love parties!" Radha gushed excitedly.

"We are going" Rishab declared looking at his wife. Madhu just shrugged. If he wanted her to go with him, she would go. Simple.

"Arjun, did your girlfriend tell you about her kickboxing schedule?"

"What? No!"

"Thought so" he smirked. "She is starting her classes from coming Sunday."

"Oh no! Why so soon?" Arjun moaned.

"Every weekend, morning 1 hour and evening 1 hour, I am gonna train her. What about you?"

"Alright. I will come along with her and you can train us together."


"Dad, mom, I have decided." Naira abruptly stood up from the swing and walked towards her family. Everyone's attention turned towards her.

"I want to get married." Naira announced. 

Arjun spewed his coffee out hearing the news. 

Madhu and Rishab glared at their son for making fun at the wrong time.

"Sorry, it's so hot." he bluffed and hid his laughter behind the coffee mug. 

My sister wants to get married? Like seriously? but with who? Roshan or Sabeer? I think Roshan as he got more supporters... but that poor chap is not lucky for marriage! 

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