Part 46

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PART - 46


"You always gain by giving love"


"Is this Annie's house?" the elderly man asked as he curiously looked at Rishab.

"Annie?" Rishab called out loud "No, there is no one here..."

"That would be me, uncle" Kathryn quickly ran to his side. "Kathryn Annie Fernandez" she told her full name to him.

"Oh" Rishab nodded.

"Only my grandpa calls me Annie. Oh, by the way he is my grandpa..." she introduced the elderly man to Rishab "...Harshavardan Kapoor" 

The name rang a bell but Rishab couldn't remember where he had heard it before. 

"I didn't know you were in town, grandpa. When did you arrive and why didn't you tell me?" Kathryn asked forgetting to introduce Rishab and the others to her grandfather.

Why are you here, grandpa?

I don't want you here. Just go back to your house! 

"I thought I would surprise you and that's why I didn't tell you before."

I don't like surprises thrown at me like this!

"Oh by the way I came to India last night."

Wish you'd stayed in Germany forever!

"Now will you please tell me who these lovely people are?" Kathryn's grandpa asked too kindly.

"They are Arjun's family." She said evasively. 


"My boyfriend" she hissed. 

Don't act as if you don't know!

Once you even caught us making out in your library!

"I told you about him and you have even met him twice. Did you forget already?"

"Oh I remember him, your hotshot doctor boyfriend" Grandpa pointed at Arjun and smiled smugly. 

Arjun nervously returned his smile. He had never had a proper conversation with Kathryn's grandpa, why, because he just intimidates him. And because, he caught us once in a awkward position! 

Lately you're getting caught too often, Arjun!

Then turning towards Rishab, Kathryn's grandpa held his hand out of a shake. "Nice meeting you Mr.?" 

"Rishab... Rishab Kundra" he took his proffered hand and shook it. "Nice meeting you too, Mr. Kapoor" 

"Have we met before?" he asked with a frown. "You seem familiar to me"

What the fuck he is blabbering? Kathryn thought as she frowned. 

"I feel so too" Rishab agreed and glanced at his wife, hoping she would enlighten him but she looked utterly clueless. 

"Are you a policeman?" Mr. Kapoor asked to confirm his suspicion.

"Yes! I was in police service but I got retired few months ago." 

"Oh it's you then... ACP Rishab Kundra, the man who saved my daughter Simmy from the kidnappers..." he cried finally remembering him. 

Simmy? Oh okay! Kathryn's mother, Simran Kapoor Fernandez! Now he could connect the dots. Kathryn had mentioned to him that she was half Indian and half American when they met in the mall to have a private talk. 

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