Part 61

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Note - I have added few images of the female leads (their look for Naira-Yash's engagement function) so DO NOT read this part when you are offline otherwise you will miss to see them.


Part - 61


"If love is real, it will never be over"


Kathryn unlocked her apartment door and stepped in to find her friend Alex sprawled on the couch, sleeping.

She dropped her clutch noisily on the tea table and he came awake with that sound.

"Hey, Kate" he greeted her but she just ignored him and slumped on couch and started removing her shoes. "You didn't come home last night?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"Where were you last night?" He asked though he could guess where or with whom she could have been with.

"Why should I answer you?" Kathryn asked.

"With him, right?" Alex asked venomously. He couldn't understand what she saw in him that she didn't see in him. She knew him right from the day they were toddlers. He had been her friend, her companion, her wellwisher, her everything but all of a sudden she forgot him. She forgot him from the day this Indian boy came into the picture and charmed her. Wish I could kill him with my bare hands!

"Did you bring that girl to my apartment?" Kathryn asked instead of answering.

"Which girl?" Alex frowned. Kathryn glared at him. "Oh that girl!" The girl with whom he drunk danced and left the hotel with. "No, I didn't bring her here. I dumped her in the parking lot and came here. I waited for you for so long. I tried your number. It was switched off. Then I think I slept off." He had no interest on that girl. He just used her to make Kathryn jealous.

"Oh good" Kathryn sighed in relief.

That gave hope to Alex because he thought she was relieved he didn't fuck any other girl but her reason was entirely different. "Kate, why did you want to know whether I brought that girl to your apartment or not?" He asked.

She shrugged.

"Did you get upset when I left with that girl last night?"

"Of course" Kathryn huffed.

"Why, babe?"

"If you had told me you had planned to have fun with random girls, then I would have let you enjoy your night and gone to attend Arjun's family dinner. I missed it because of you so I got upset." She told him the actual reason and it pissed him off.

"So you weren't upset that I was going to sleep with someone else?"

"Why would I be upset for that? You have your own life to enjoy just like I have mine. I was just upset thinking you were going to sleep with someone in my apartment."

"What?" He didn't get her point.

"Alex, you might think this apartment is just a place where I temporarily stay but that's not how Arjun sees it. For him, it's like a second home. Sometimes, I get that home-like feel too but that's only when Arjun is sharing this place with me otherwise it's just a lifeless structure of bricks and cement." Kathy said looking around the place and she could see Arjun and herself, everywhere, cuddling, kissing, fighting, chatting, eating, laughing, sometime studying and most of the time fucking. "Arjun and I have shared a lot of beautiful moments here and these walls have seen them." Alex gave her a strange look as he couldn't understand what shit she was talking about. "And this might sound funny but he doesn't want these walls to see anyone else doing what he and I do here. He doesn't want to spoil the sanctity of this place. He said so. And I agree with him for once."

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