Part 15

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I WISH A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR (2018) TO ALL MY LOVELIES!!! Have a great year ahead filled with lots of love, peace, and happiness!!!

(Wishing a day in advance because I don't know whether I will be able to come here tomorrow...LOL!)


PART - 15

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"I am not the jealous type but what's mine is MINE. End of story" 

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After greeting her father in law with salaam, Inayat started chopping the vegetables while Rishab read the newspaper.

"Uncle..." Inayat softly called him. Rishab set the paper he was holding in his hand down and looked at Inayat.

"Um... Do you know where Veer is?" She asked hesitantly. "When I woke up he was sleeping and by the time I was done with my morning prayer, he was gone."

"I didn't see him going out, dear, so he must be in the gym. It's in second floor."


"You can go see him. I will do the cooking here"

"No, no, uncle. I will do. I was just wondering where he could have gone this early" she said with a shrug. Rishab smiled and took a sip of his coffee.


"Yes, dear" Rishab asked too politely as he completely folded the newspaper and discarded it on the table to pay full attention to his daughter in law.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. You continue reading..."

"I am done reading. Now, tell me why you called me?"

"Um... I can be little loquacious so please don't mind me..." Inayat blabbered. She was slowly getting accustomed with Veer's family and liking the love and care they were showing on her.

Rishab laughed. "Not a problem. I am so used to loquacious persons. For one, your mom in law, she can jabber all day and night but still she won't get tired and will want to talk more"

Inayat covered her mouth with her middle two fingers and stifled her laughter.

"Well, what you wanna ask me?"

"Um... How is Arjun?" Inayat asked in concern. Rishab frowned wondering how she knew about his son's distress.

"Veer and I saw him sitting alone near the pool, last night. He was in low spirits." Inayat explained the reason for asking about Arjun. "We thought of talking to him but then we saw you walking to him so we let it to you to handle"

"Ahaan" Rishab said with a small smile. He likes Inayat for caring for his family. Well, it's now her family too so I shouldn't be surprised. He thought.

"He is fine and now sleeping like a baby hugging his mom" Rishab grumbled.

"Oh really?"

"This boy can be really clingy." he pinched the bridge of his nose to contain his frustration. "You know what, Inayat? The moment he born, he stole my wife from me." He said with a streak of jealousy evident on his face. Inayat suppressed her giggle by pressing her lips tight. "Many times, I thought of joining him in boarding school but his mom didn't let me do that" he exhaled.

"Oh" Inayat didn't know what else to say so she just listened to him.

"Well, about last night... he broke up with his girlfriend and he was upset so slept with us in our room” 

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