Part 23

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Part 23


I Just Want... To Thank You For Being My Reason To Look Forward To The Next Day"


"Hello aunty. Hope there is some butter chicken let for me to eat" Kathryn said and gently pushed the door wider but Madhu didn't take her hand off the door knob so Kathy had no other go but to duck under her arm and crawled into the house.

"Hey" Madhu called her but she kept walking as if she owns the damn place.

"Look at this girl's audacity?" Madhu looking at Kathryn, almost slammed the door on Naira's face who came right after her.

"Mom!" Naira yelled

"Lock the door and come" Madhu said without bothering to apologize to her for almost hitting her face with the door and ran behind Kathryn. She wanted to know why that girl was there.

Who would have invited her? My husband or my son? I am going to kill them. Madhu thought.

Everyone seated in the dining room was surprised and one particular member looked panicked and started sweating profusely seeing Kathy strolled in casually waving her hand to all but her eyes were set on one man. Her man. Arjun. His face had lost all the color and looked as white as a ghost.

"Hey, darling" Kathryn said sweetly before bending down and planting a kiss on her boyfriend's cheek.

Arjun closed his eyes in mortification as he cupped his cheek where she had kissed him.

Madhu gasped in shock and then glared at her mom-in-law for whistling appreciatively. One look at Radha, Madhu can tell she approved Kathy already!

Rishab and Veer had an identical smirk on their faces.

Inayat shyly smiled at Kathryn's open display of affection. 

Naira joined them a moment later from the kiss scene so she looked clueless. She just walked straight and sat on the chair next to her dad.

"You invited her?" Madhu mouthed at her husband.

"I swear I didn't" he mouthed back as he pinched his throat. She nodded believing him.

"What are you doing here, Kathy? I told you not to come" he hissed softly so that no one will hear him.

"And that why I am here. No one dictates me. I act on my own free will." She made her point loud and clear to him and to everyone.

"Who invited you?" Arjun asked rudely.

"Arjun!" Rishab admonished him. He didn't like his son disrespecting their guest.

"I invited myself, Arjun" Kathryn said, hardly thumping on Arjun's back and she laughed in satisfaction when he groaned in pain.

Veer snickered because he heard the loud slapping sound as he was sitting next to Arjun and he knew it would have hurt his brother and he was happy about that. He deserved it for always making his wife uncomfortable with his sick tricks to bring them close.

"You guys haven't started your dinner yet?" Kathy asked.

"We were about to start" Rishab said and politely added "Please join us, dear"

"Thank you, uncle" Kathy said with a smile and looked at the two empty seats, one - the head seat and other - the seat next to Rishab. She was contemplating where to park her butt but before she could make a decision, Madhu went and sat beside her husband.

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