Part 5

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No time to proofread so excuse the mistakes!


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"The Heart Wants What It Wants"

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"Darling, I love you... Please marry me" Roshan begged as knelt down on the floor in front of Naira.

Naira gasped and took a step back. It pierced her heart to see her best friend begging her to love him. She would have loved him if she hadn't fallen in love with Sabeer, already.

"Roshan, what are you doing? Get up, man!" Rishab ordered.

He shook his head in no and bowed down in front of her, feeling so defeated and vulnerable.

"Roshan, son, please don't do this. We are sorry, really sorry for what our daughter did to you. We know she broke your heart but try to forget everything and move on" Madhu too slumped down on the floor beside him and caressed his head as she cried.

"Auntie, please convince your daughter instead of telling me to forget her." Roshan pleaded to Madhu taking her hand in his. "You don't know for how long I have been in love with her, auntie. Marrying her was a dream till yesterday and today I want to make it real."

Madhu cried feeling his pain. She wished she had another daughter so that she could have married her to such a gem of a man.

"Roshan, get up from the floor and sit on the bed. We will talk" Rishab didn't like him in the submissive pose.

"Buddy, calm down." Veer patted his shoulder and helped him stand up on his feet.

Roshan sat on the bed and held his head in his hands.

"Roshan, trust me, you will get someone better than me for your good heart..."

"I don't want someone better, Naira. I just want you." He snapped getting mad momentarily. Then he closed his eyes to contain his temper.

"I have been loving you all my life...and I thought one day you will also reciprocate my love..." His voice broke and he bit his lower lip preventing from crying.

"Roshan, sorry, I can never reciprocate your feelings..." Before Naira could finish her sentence, Roshan was up on his feet and marched towards her taking two long strides and took her face between his hands and was about to kiss her but Rishab anticipating that move from him, he too quickly pushed Roshan away from his daughter, before his lips could even brush against hers.

"Stay away from my daughter!" Rishab roared. Roshan stumbled back on his feet with the force Rishab pushed him but Arjun and Madhu supported him and steadied him.

Naira hugged her daddy and cried against his neck. Rishab held her protectively in his arms.

"You have no fucking right to kiss my daughter because she is not yours, Roshan"

"I want to show my love to her" Roshan said in a desperate tone.

"How? By kissing her forcefully? That's not love. That's madness" Rishab seethed. "If you truly love her, let her live, Roshan..." He said "...please" he added for kindness sake.

"I can't live without her, uncle" Roshan said helplessly.

"Of course, you can! Never wish to marry the girl who wants to dump you. Marry the girl who loves you. She will make you happy, all your life!" Rishab said from his own experience, glancing at Madhu.

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