Part 66

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Part - 66


"No love is greater than mom's love. No care is greater than dad's care."


Rishab was restless. He couldn't sleep. He turned to his side and saw his wife sleeping peacefully. He didn't have the heart to wake her up and tell her about his unreasonable worry.

"I better go check on my baby. Only then I will get some peace and sleep." He got out of the bed and headed to Naira room.

He knocked the door twice but there was no reply. "Maybe she is asleep" he decided to go back and see her in the morning but then something stopped him. He turned the door knob and it clicked open.

He slowly walked in and found his baby girl lying on the bed facing away from him.

He sat at the edge and leaning down he placed a gentle kiss before caressing her hair. "My sweet darling, I will miss you so much once you get married and go to your new home." he whispered with a smile.

Naira brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them with her hands as she buried her face deeper in to the fluffy pillow.

"Honeybee?" Rishab whispered. He could sense something was not right. "You awake!" He didn't ask, just stated because he knew his daughter wouldn't curl up small like a ball and sleep. He quickly turned on the lights.


"Baby, why are you crying?" He turned her to his side and she moved her head to his lap and started crying loudly.

"Naira, baby, what happened?" He asked as he ruffled her hair. "Is you leg paining? You want daddy to press your legs?" Even since the car accident she was getting frequent leg pain and he would give her an oil massage to ease her pain.

"No, daddy"

"Did Yash say something to you?" He asked doubtfully. She had gone out with him for dinner and only after that she was like this - upset.

"No... Yes" he did say something and that had triggered her emotions.

"What is it?"

"I don't want this marriage, daddy"

"WHAT?!" It was Madhu who shouted. She suddenly woke up feeling her husband missing and came in search of him and heard that. "What did you say, Naira?" Madhu walked to her daughter holding her chest. She would get an attack if Naira confirmed her statement.

"I don't want this marriage, momma" she cried unconsolably hugging her dad.

"Why baby? Did Yash misbehave with you?" Madhu asked angrily as she sat on the bed and cupped her daughter's face.

"No, momma. He would never do that. He is a gem." Naira said.

"As I thought" Madhu sighed. "Then stop crying and tell us clearly what is your problem?"

"I don't want to leave our home after marriage." When she had gone out with Yash he had casually asked whether she had started packing her things and that was when it dawned to her that she would be leaving her home soon. "I can't stay away from you, daddy." Naira said looking at Rishab with so much love. "I want to be with you and mommy"

"Oh baby!" Rishab hugged her tightly and looked at his wife "Madhu..."

"Don't! Don't say anything!" She warned him. "You..." She pointed her finger to her husband and then to her daughter "and you, stop this drama and go, sleep" she stood up and looked at her husband expecting him to follow her but he didn't leave his daughter's side.

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