Part 2

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PART - 2

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"I Am Not Crazy, I Am Just Creatively Insane"

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"I don't want this marriage, Veer. I don't. Please help me get out of this marriage" Naira cried.

"What?" Veer asked in shock. Inayat gasped and covered her mouth with her palm.

"What nonsense you are talking, Naira? In another four hours you are getting married to Roshan but now you are saying you don't want this marriage?"

"Veer, please help me"

"What can I do now, Naira? Don't you know you don't love Roshan when his family came with the marriage proposal to us? You could have said no then right? Why you agreed to marry him then and now you are backing off?"

"Veer, I just realized I truly love Sabeer" Naira confessed her love for Dr. Sabeer. Both Roshan and Sabeer were her parents' friends' kids.

"You love Dr. Sabeer?" Veer asked puzzled. She nodded.

"Then what about Roshan? Naira, he is crazy about you. Please, don't do this to him. He will be left heartbroken."

"Veer, why can't you understand the simple thing that I don't love Roe?"

"You do love him. Don't fool yourself."

"No, I know who I love and who I don't"

"Naira, just joined law college because of Roshan. You went to internship in the same firm he practiced law. When he started a partnership legal firm you joined him there as well. You were behind him everywhere like a love sick puppy but now you say you don't love him and you expect me to believe you?" Veer calmly tried to remind her what all stupidity she did to just be close with Roshan.

"Maybe I had a crush on him when I was young but now I see him only as my best friend and mentor."

"Naira, why are you such a mess, always? Don't you know about your feelings before? Why now? Why on your wedding day you are doing this? Do you have any idea how much ours and Roshan's family will get humiliated if this wedding gets called off? Oh God! It will ruin dad's and Mukkund uncle's years of friendship. Think what will happen to maa? She will go hysterics..."

"I don't care..."

"Why would you care, Miss. Selfish" Veer chuckled sarcastically.

"Veer, I don't want your sarcasm now. I want you to help me..."

"Don't you have any feelings for you best friend? Roshan truly loves you. He will make you happy..."

"But I want Sabeer." Naira said stubbornly.

"God!" Veer groaned pulling his hair. Inayat watched everything silently not having anything to say because she didn't know anything about Roshan or Sabeer to judge who will be the right partner for Naira.

"Sabeer loves you?" Veer asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose to hold his frustration.

"I guess so"

"What you mean by you guess so, you idiot?"

"Veer, don't shout at me!" Naira snapped.

"You want me to slap you if not shout at you?" Veer asked angrily but his eyes and voice softened when Inayat flinched hearing him say the word 'slap'

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