Part 42

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Part - 42


"Each betrayal begins with trust"


"So where is our lawyer madam?" Sabeer asked as he sat opposite to Roshan and crossed his legs. 

"Our?" Roshan shot him a brow up.

"Chill, bro. Your. Where is your lawyer madam... my bhabhiji?" 

"That's better. She's gone to Kashmir with her family to celebrate Arjun's birthday as Veer's there. She is coming back on Wednesday."

"Oh, I see"

"Why, she didn't tell you all this?" 

Sabeer pushed his lower lip out, sympathetically and shook his head in no. "She is not answering my calls."


"What good?" 

"Let's end this game, Sabeer." Roshan said this for the nth time.  


"What we are doing is wrong!" he said matter-of-factly 

"Nothing is wrong! All is fair in love and war" he said the most cliched line. 

"Naira has always been honest with me..."

"And you are being honest with her. I'm the one cheating her... Cheating? Nah, I don't like that word. I'm the one helping... yeah, helping her to find her true love." 

"Sabeer, please, let's stop it... We can't deceive her anymore!"

"Roshan, just give me little more time. I'll open Naira's eyes and make her see how much you love her and also I'll make her fall in love with you." he vowed. 

"What if you fall for her in that process?" Roshan asked incredulously. 

"that will never happen!"Sabeer said with confident head shake. 

"Why? What's wrong with Naira? She is smart, intelligent and beautiful...and what more you need in a girl?"

"I know that, bro, but still she is not my type." Sabeer said with a shrug. 

"What's your type, man?"  

"Ask me, Roshan. I will tell you what type of girl he prefers." Naira pushed the door wide open and got into his cabin startling both Roshan and Sabeer. 

Naira had come to Mumbai this morning with her dad and Kathryn. After having lunch with them she had decided to go to her office and get some work done and also had given an appointment to a client for the evening. 

She thought to say a quick Hi to Roshan before starting her work so came to his cabin and stopped dead in track when she heard Sabeer's voice coming from Roshan's cabin. The door was ajar as it got stuck with the floor-mat and that helped Naira in eavesdropping. 

"Naira" Both Roshan and Sabeer were utterly shocked seeing her there. 

"You here?" Sabeer asked

"I should be the one asking that question to you" Naira crossed her arms over her chest and talked in a composed tone. "What are you doing here? Well, don't answer that. I already know about your plotting and planning." 

"Naira, just listen to me once..."

"Roshan, let me tell you what type of girl your friend, Dr. Sabeer Koccher, prefers before I forget" 

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