Part 26

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Part - 26


"A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other"


Arjun raced down the stairs carrying a book in his hand and headed to the dining room to grab something to eat before leaving for college.

He found his family already having breakfast except for his sister. She must have gone early or she hasn't woken up yet. He thought and took a seat opposite to his dad.

"Good morning" he greeted looking at his dad in particular to gauge his expression and judge his mood. Rishab looked up from his plate to his son and greeted him back without much of expression.

"I will take you to college, today" Rishab said much to Arjun's surprise. Madhu turned to her husband and asked him 'why?' wordlessly. He shrugged but didn't her the actual reason.

"Okay" Arjun agreed to go with him. 'I will get some time to revise while he drives' he thought.

"Don't give him lecture on the way to his college. He has exam so let him peacefully concentrate on it." Madhu hissed at her husband thinking he was giving the excuse of dropping his son to college just to have a word with him about his rude behavior the other night.

Rishab scowled at his wife but didn't retort her. He knew when to talk and when to shut his mouth. He won't upset his son by bringing up the issue when he was going to exam.

"Shall we leave?" Rishab asked his son once they both were done with their breakfast.

"It's just 8. Exam starts at 10. I think I will revise for an hour and we will start by 9." He said. His college was just some 20 minutes drive away.

"No, I have work. I will drop you early. You do the revision in your college." Rishab insisted.

"Alright. I will go collect my things and come" Arjun said and ran to his room. He took his phone from the bed and checked it. There was one message. He hoped it was from Kathryn but it wasn't. It was from his brother Veer wishing him all the best for his exam. He quickly typed 'thank you, bro' and shoved his phone in his pocket.

When he ran down to the living room, his mother was waiting for him with a cup in her hand.

"Ahhh, dahi-shakkar. I hate it." He groaned. He takes curd and sugar separately but never likes them when mixed together.

"Still you are going to have it for me" Madhu said and took the spoon closer to his mouth.

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