Part 68 (Final Part)

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Hope you are all safe and sound and staying home! Take care, guys!


Part - 68


"I didn't choose you. My heart did."


"Good morning, Beautiful" Naira smiled hearing Yash's husky voice. "It's time to rise and be mine."

"Can we just postpone the wedding? I am really tired after last night." Naira asked still half asleep.

"Oh baby! You did dance a lot in our Sangeet and I enjoyed every bit of it, I must say but no postponing the wedding nonsense because my heart can't stand the strain." He paused briefly before whispering "I can't wait any longer to share the rest of my life with you. I love you, Naira."

"Yash, you are going to make me cry!"

"Oh no, no, crying, baby."

"Then stop talking senti."

"Well then I will talk sexy. You were sensational last night. And I am looking forward to dance with you tonight as well... But in our bed."

"Oh boy! Can't wait for that moment." She flirted.

"Well to have you in my bed we should get married first... So be a good girl and get your delectable ass out of your bed and get ready to steal my heart. I will be waiting for you in the mandap, sweetheart." He said and hung up.


"Mom, I am so nervous. I don't think I can eat anything now."

"Baby, I don't want you to faint while taking the pheras so you better eat something."

"No, please."

"At least have some juice, Honeybee." Rishab walked into the room with a glass of orange juice.

He came into her room on the pretense of giving her the juice but the actual reason was to be the first man to see her in her bridal look.

"I think I can manage that. Thank you, daddy." She said turning to her side, facing her dad.

"Ma'am, please don't turn your head." Naira's hair dresser instructed as she was about to set and secure her dupatta over her head with pins.

"Oops sorry."

"Is her makeup done?" Rishab asked.

"Almost done, sir."

"Well, you may leave then."

"Sure, sir. Thank you." She nodded and walked out of the room.

"Here you go, baby" He handed her the glass and watched her take small sips.

"How do I look, daddy?" Naira asked through her lashes.

"Pretty. So pretty." he whispered as he placed his palm on her cheek gently caressing it. He felt it so surreal. Isn't it yesterday I held her in my arms? And today she is getting married? He thought without blinling his eyes.

"You are the most beautiful bride in the world, Naira." Madhu said tightly gripping her husband's arm to contain her emotions.

"You are saying that because I am your daughter, mom." She chuckled softly.

"It's the truth, Naira." Madhu let her husband's arm go and gently hugged her daughter. "My baby! I can't tell you how happy I am for you." She kissed Naira's forehead and took a hint of kajal from the corner of her eye and placed it behind Naira's ear.

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