Part 50

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Part - 50


"I don't need the whole world to love me, just you"


Madhu and Inayat served the meal for everyone before taking their respective seats and digging into their food.

"Where's your girlfriend? Isn't she joining us for dinner, today?" Radha asked her grandson casually.

"We had a fight..." Arjun muttered. So she won't come here. I miss her.

"Oh" Radha gave him an apathetic response and continued eating her food.

What the?

Is that all you could say, dadi?

What's happened to the others?

Why no reaction from them?

Have they gone deaf?

He looked around the table - except Inayat no one was even sparing him a look. They were busy relishing the food.

Inayat gave him a sympathetic look and a reassuring smile that said everything will be fine.

At the moment, you are the only person I like in this whole wide world, bhabhi!

"I think we broke up" he added hoping that piece of info would gain everyone's attention.

We are not over! He said that to Kathryn but what was her reply?

Pushing you out and shutting the door on your face was her reply, Arjun!

Inayat gasped.

Ah! At least she cares for me! I love you, bhabhi.

What's happened? She mouthed at him.

I screwed up! He mouthed back.

She shook her head. Not again, Arjun!

He looked contrite.

"Very good" Madhu commented mid-chew.

Rishab chuckled. He was expecting that from his wife and she didn't disappoint him.

Arjun glared at his dad but he wasn't looking at him but his wife.

"This is no news to us" Naira said with her eyes on her phone and her hands rapidly typing away some message to someone who had become special to her since that afternoon.

"Yeah, every month you guys break up for some silly reasons and two days later, you guys patch up by some miracle! It has become a routine" Radha said and laughed.

"I can't believe you are laughing at my misery, dadi!"

"I won't laugh. I won't laugh." Radha promised him but couldn't keep up with it.

"Put your phone down and eat your food, honeybee" Rishab gently admonished his daughter for using phone at dinner table.

"In a moment, dad"

"Husband, try this capsicum curry" Madhu fed him a piece of roti and capsicum.

"It's good..." He slowly chewed judging what was lacking in the dish. "...but you could have made it little spicy. Nevertheless, I like it."

Yes, he likes it! Madhu beamed at him.

Arjun looked at his family in disbelief.

One is laughing at me!

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