Part 47

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(First update BABY DADDY story and now this one! Hoping to update STALKING THE STALKER before mid-night)



Part - 47


"We accept the love we think we deserve" 


A week later,

"Naira, where are you? Have you reach the mall yet or still in court? He has been waiting for nearly an hour now! How long will you take..." 

"Mom, mom, calm down. I am at the basement of the mall, parking my car. I will see him in two minutes."

"Oh good! Oh and be nice and polite to him, okay?"

"I will see what I can do" Naira said, giggling. 

"Naira, first impression is the best impression so please be on your best of best behavior!" Madhu warned her daughter.

"Alright, mom! I won't let you down! Trust me!" 

"I trust you, baby. Good luck." 

After terminating the call with her mother, she scurried out of her car without bothering to check her appearance on the rear view mirror. She didn't want to make him, her prospective groom to wait anymore. 

"What, now, mom?" Naira asked little irately when her mom called her again. 

"He is waiting outside McDonald's" she forgot to tell that in her previous call. 

Naira scanned the area and found Mcdonald's outlet at first floor where the food court was located. She took the escalator and reached the specified spot. 

"Hi" a man, to be precise, a handsome man wearing white shirt, navy blue casual blazer and jeans, waved his hand at her. He was sitting on the McD bench beside the creepy clown. "Naira, right?" he asked as he stood up and flashed her a perfect smile. 

You are so tall! she thought

"And you look different, Yash" she wondered out loudly. 

Ah! You're smiling now! 

Why this beautiful was missing in the photo you sent me? 

Maybe you don't like to pose for photos just like my dad! she reasoned herself. 

"What did you say?" 

"Am sorry! I... I was thinking... Well, forget it... Hi, I'm Naira Rishab Kundra." she said formally as she held out her shaky hand.

"Hi, I'm Yash Arora as you would be knowing already" he smiled again making Naira go weak at the knees as he took her hand for a gentle shake. He held her hand for a beat longer, enjoying the feel of her soft small palm pressed against his rough big one, before letting it go. 

"Sorry, I made you wait." she apologized. 

"No, I just came like ten minutes ago."

Mom said he was waiting for me for an hour but he's saying just 10 minutes?

Is he being nice to me or Mom lied to me? 


"Oh I see" 

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