Part 54

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Part - 54


"I look at you and I am home"


Veer stood at the balcony and looked at the night sky, leaning on railing and thought about the beautiful moments he had with his wife a little less than an hour ago.

A smiled formed on his lips when he turned his head and looked over his shoulder at his sleeping wife.

You are beautiful, Inayat. He once again mumbled the words he had been chanting throughout the time he was making love to her.

She looked so desirable and he was tempted to wake her up and make love to her over and over.

I have already exhausted her!

Sighing, he looked away from her.

Let my poor baby take some rest and prepare her body for more action in the near future.

"Veer..." Though her voice was low it still startled him. He turned around and faced her with a smile.

Wasn't she sleeping when I last saw her?

How long have I been standing here and gazing at the stars?

She must have realized I have left her alone on the bed so came to take me back in.

"You didn't sleep?" She asked shyly without meeting his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Why? Did I fail to..."

"No, please don't think like that. I had the best night ever." He cupped her face and forced her to look at him so that she would know he meant his words.

"Really?" She smiled making his heart skip a beat.

"Yes. You made my four years of wait worth it."

"Four years?"

"Ever since I set my eyes on you, I wanted to marry you and make love to you."

She blushed.

"How are you?" He asked finally getting the chance to ask her that. By the time they were done the deed, she passed out.

"How do you think I am?" A small frown marred her forehead.

"I have never heard you scream like that." He teased her and pecked her lips. "It felt like you have been saving your voice all along for this night."

"It was kinda painful... and I think it will take some time for me to adjust with this uneasy feeling of... you know... having... um... you in me." she said hesitantly yet honestly. When he broke her virgin wall and sharply filled her tight, slick cave with his length, he literally knocked the air out of her lungs.

Even now she could feel mild ache between her thighs.

"I am sorry. I am as inexperienced as you are in this matter so I couldn't make it easy and pleasurable for you." He apologized and he wasn't ashamed at all to tell her he was 'inexperienced'

"You made me forget everything once I had overcome the pain, Veer." She said looking into his eyes. Her eyes conveyed a deeper meaning to her spoken words. "Veer..." She gently caressed his cheek with her finger tip.

"Hmm?" He hummed leaning to her soft touch.

"This was your first time, wasn't it?"

He nodded his head, affirmatively.

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