Part 33

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Part - 33


"Never ever run back to what broke you"


"Naira!" Madhu exclaimed when she found her daughter at the doorstep. "You were supposed to return home on Thursday, right?"

"Supposed to mom..."

"What happened?"

"I cut short my trip..."

"Why?" Madhu asked with a frown.

"You're not happy? First you didn't want me to go and now when I come home two days prior you're asking why"

"Anything happened in the trip? Any fight between Roshan and Sabeer?" Madhu probed. She literally freaked when Naira told Sabeer was there and going to travel with her throughout the trip.

"Oh no, no, mom! I just got bored. There's nothing much to see there in Goa for a week so I cut short my trip and came home. I have job to do here..."

"Honey-bee" Naira registered the surprise in her dad's voice before walking into his waiting arms. "Are you okay?" Rishab asked softly as he held his daughter securely.

"I am fine, dad"

"You enjoyed your trip?"

"To some level, yes, I have"

Rishab frowned but decided not to drill her now. She looked beat from the travel so he asked her to go to her room and freshen up.

"Naira, wait. No one came to drop you here?" Madhu stopped her and questioned. She wanted answers immediately. Later she might forget you know.

"No. I left the boys back in Goa and came alone"

"What?" Both Rishab and Madhu exclaimed at once. "Why?"

"Dad, mom, I just got bored there so I left..." She shrugged.

"See, I told you not to go..."

"Mom, please don't start now. I am tired. I am going to my room."

"Naira..." Madhu called but Naira ran up the stairs to her room

"Madhu..." Rishab held her hand stopping her from going behind her.

"I just want to ask her whether she wants something to eat or drink"

"No need for asking. Just take some light refreshments to her room" he ordered and went to his room.


"Don't laugh, Arjun!" Naira snapped. Now, she was in Inayat's room briefing about her 'Oh so wonderful trip' story to them.

"Sorry, I can't help. It's so funny" Arjun said amidst his booming laughter and then he rolled to his front on the bed and buried his face in the pillow to muffle his laughter.

"Arjun!" Naira spanked his ass hardly. He yelped and flipped back before sitting up on the bed. "If you keep laughing, I am not going to continue my 'Go, Goa, Gone' story"

"Okay, sorry, you tell." Arjun offered her a smile and pressed his lips preventing the bubble of laughter from escaping.

"Where were we?" Naira asked Inayat because she was the one who paid attention to what she said without making fun of her like her rascal brother.

"You were telling us about the 'pissing contest' you witnessed between Roshan bro and Sabeer bro, Naira di" Arjun jumped before Inayat could answer. "You should have listened to mom. You shouldn't have gone on a holiday trip with your Ex-crush slash Ex-fiancé and current lover who will soon become your Ex-lover"

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