Part 9

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PART - 9

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"Marriage Is When A Man Looses His Bachelor's Degree And Woman Gets Her Master's Degree" (ROFL)

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"I am nervous" Inayat said, panicking.

"Don't be. Everything will go smooth." Naira assured her. "Don't sweat and ruin your makeup"

"Will you stay by my side till the wedding gets over?" Inayat asked hesitantly.

"Sure" Naira beamed. She loved the idea of staying closer to the bride because that way she would be in all the photos of their wedding album.

"For how many years you and my twinnie are in love now?" Naira asked Inayat to ease her jittery feel.

"Um... I know your brother for the past four years..."

"Ohh! So you guys are in love ever since he joined the army?"

"No... Maybe he was but I accepted his love only last year..."

"He proposed you? How? Did he get down on his one knee?" Naira asked excitedly.

Inayat let out a soft laugh and shock her head in no.

"Then?" Naira asked but didn't let her talk. "Did he keep a ring inside a fortune cookie along with a 'will you marry me?' note written in a piece of paper?"

"No but I would have loved if he had proposed me that way"

"Yeah, I hope Sabeer proposes me like that. It would be so surprising..." Naira said dreamily. Inayat smiled at her. "Well, back to your love story"

"He didn’t propose me at all. He never said 'I love you' to me. Not that I have told him..." She smiled sheepishly. "...but yeah, we do know we love each other even without vocally expressing it"


"Veer asked for my hand in marriage to my brother Izzaan..."

"Omg! That's really sweet..." 

"Naira, you saw your brother?" Madhu barged into the room and asked her worriedly interrupting their talk.

"Oh no! Veer ran away from his own wedding? Now what we will do? We better get Arjun and his girlfriend Kathy married in this muhurat..."

"Shut up! Veer is here only impatiently waiting for his beautiful bride. I am talking about our little fella Arjun, he is missing."

"Go, file a complaint to daddy. He will find him within 24 hours." Naira teased. She wasn't concerned about Arjun at all because she knew her goof ball brother would be goofing around somewhere.

"Naira!" Madhu glared at her.

"Sorry" Naira whispered and pressed her lips to suppress her laugh.

"Okay, I will go ask your dad. You bring Inayat to the stage in five minutes."

"Alright" Naira gave her thumbs-up.

"Arjun is my mother's headache." Naira sighed. "My parents should have listened to me when I said ‘no’ for another baby but they went with Veer’s word and had this irritating boy" Naira rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You don't like him?" Inayat asked tentatively.

"Nah, I love him…” Naira laughed. “…but he is a troublemaker. My mommy always runs behind him so that he won’t land himself in some trouble.”

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