Part 58

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PART - 58


"When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my own soul"


"Look, who is babysitting now?" Naira mocked Arjun on seeing him feeding his girlfriend.

"Done with dancing?" Arjun asked as he held a glass of water for Kathryn and she took couple of sips.

Yash nodded his head with a smile.

"Done with feeding her?" Naira asked back folding her arms over her chest, glaring at Kathryn.

"Almost done"

"Btw why are you feeding her?"

"I love to feed her" he didn't give her the actual reason because that would give his sister one more reason to taunt his girlfriend.


"Because this way I can ensure proper food passes through her lips." He replied. It was true too.

"Yeah, yeah, or else she will fill her tummy with alcohol!" Naira muttered under her breath.

"Haan?" He guess he heard her.

"I think she is too drunk and too lazy to eat on her own and that's why you are feeding her"


"You got it right, girl" Kathryn giggled and clapped her hands.

Veer and Inayat joined them sensing some drama was about to unfold. 

"Arjun, if you are quite done with your nanny duty, shall we go home? It's getting late." Naira asked irately. Kathryn's insane laugh was irking her.

"Nanny?" Kathryn giggled again. "You are my nanny?"

"Yeah, my dad adopted you as his daughter and appointed this boy as your nanny. You didn't know that?" Naira said through gritted teeth.

Yash placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze trying to calm her down. He could tell she was mad but he couldn't tell why.

"Oh really?" Kathryn's eyes gleamed with joy hearing her father adopted her. "Aww. Such an adorable nanny I have." She pulled Arjun closer to her and smacked her lips on his cheek. "Take me home, nanny, let's have fun playing." She said in a husky sexy tone, nuzzling his neck. 

Oh Kathy! Don't embarrass me in front of my family.

"God! This girl! Why can't she behave, at least in public?" Naira grumbled.

"Jijz, do me a favour. Take my sister home, please." He begged. He was already having hard time handling his drunk girlfriend and to top that his sister was pissing him off.

"Let's go, Yash" Naira angrily dragged Yash from that place.

Sighing Arjun looked at his brother. "Veer bro, you too take bhabhi home. It's getting late." He didn't want them to stay unnecessarily.

"What about you?" Veer asked.

"I will drop Kathy at her place and then come home."

"Take me with you, Arjun" Kathy asked him too nicely.

"I can't, Kathy." He said helplessly. Kathy's face fell in disappointment. "Look, you are drunk and if I take you home like this... My mom... She won't like it. I don't want to upset her. I am sorry."

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