Part 7

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PART - 7

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"Some Hearts Understand Each Other Even In Silence"

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"Veer! Veer! What is this, Veer? You can't go weak now. You have to strong for your love" Rishab helped his son up from the floor and made him sit on the bed beside his mother.

"Madhu, you too stop crying now!" He ordered her.

"Oh my baby, why you didn't think of us? You could have shared everything with us and brought Inayat to us much earlier, right?" Madhu asked caressing Veer's head.

"I don't know what to do then, maa." Veer cried hugging his mother.

"It's okay but don't do this mistake again. Always remember you have a supportive family"

"I know, maa. I am sorry"

"Now, go freshen up and get ready for your wedding, Veer. I want my son to look dashing and handsome" Madhu wiped the tears off her son's cheeks and gave him a gentle push on his back urging him to get ready.

"You agreeing to this marriage?" Veer asked in shock.

"Of course! Why are you giving me that shocked look? You thought I would say 'no' even after listening to what happened to Inayat and how much you love her? Oh Veer, you hurt my feelings..."

"Honestly Madhu, even I thought you will say a big NO" Rishab said in surprise.

He thought he would have to put a fight with her and make her agree for Veer- Inayat's marriage but never expected her to easily accept Inayat.

"Gah! I am not going to talk with you two till the wedding gets over for thinking so bad about me" Madhu pouted and walked towards the door to go check on her daughters (including Inayat) but stopped suddenly remembering something.

"Rishab..." she rushed to his side picking up her lehenge with both her hands little up so that she can walk freely. Rishab smirked at his wife who just said she won't talk to him but already she was running to him. "...keep an eye on our little rascal, Arjun." she cautioned him. "That skinny girl is planning to whisk off our boy to her home after the wedding."

"For what?"

"He said to teach her Human Anatomy but I don't believe him. He is... they are... I think they are in a relationship"

"Oh. I noticed. He is pretty smitten for her. I will talk to him. You don't worry."

"Talk some senses into him but don't you dare boast his love and later convince me saying 'Madhu, kids know what they want'. He doesn't know anything. If he did then he wouldn't be fucking around."

"Mind your language, Madhu" he growled at her.

"Sorry" she stuck her tongue out and grinned a goofy grin.

"Veer, what are you still doing in this room? I told you to get ready, didn't I?" Madhu shouted. Veer ran out of the room without any argument.

"You look good, today" Rishab commented finally taking a look at his ever beautiful wife.

"Today?" She rose her brow up.

"Everyday" he amended.

"And I look just 'good'?" She asked placing her left hand on her hips and with her right hand fingers she brushed off his hair which had fallen over his forehead. "That girl who came with Arjun thought I was the bride and you say I look good, today"

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