Part 63

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Part - 63


"You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart"


Inayat took her shower and came out of the bathroom dressed in her Pjs.

She was about to do her night prayer when she noticed her husband packing his clothes in a backpack.

"Veer, why are you packing your things now?" She asked frowning.

Without replying, he walked into the bathroon to collect his toiletries.

"Veer are you going somewhere?"

"Yes" he said keeping a serious face.


"I got a call from Major. He wants me back..."

"You are leaving?" Inayat panicked. "Then what about Naira's wedding?"

"I will try to come home a day before her wedding."

"Veer..." She didn't know what to say as her lower lip started trembling. She wanted to plead him not to go but she worried he would get mad at her for stopping him from doing his duty. "Veer..." She tightly wrapped her hands around his waist and placed her cheek on his chest.

"Hey! Don't cry?" Veer said in a rushed tone when he heard her sniff. "Hey, look at me"

She shook her head and refused to look up at him. He forcefully lifted her chin up and met her teary eyes. "Inayaa, I am so sorry..." He was filled with guily seeing her tears.

"I thought you would be with me for another 10 days... But now... I will miss you, Veer..." She cried.

"Oh no no... I am so sorry..."

"I understand. You don't have to say sorry." She stood on her tip-toe and placed a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"No, I lied to you." He whispered against her lips. She furrowed her brows. "I am not going anywhere... Well, um... I am going but not without you."

"You lied?" Inayat asked in disbelief.

"Well, I played with you..."

"How could you be so cruel?" She pushed his hands away and stepped back from him.

"Inayaa, listen, dad suggested me to take you..."

"Suggested you what? Make me cry?" She asked him angrily. "Wait, I will go tell abu you made me cry. He will scold you nicely." She said childishly.

"Threatening hun?" Veer cocked his brow up as he smirked. He knew his wife would do no such thing.

"No! I am serious." She said keeping a straight face.

"You are a shy little thing. You wouldn't dare to complain about me to my dad." He pulled her lower lip and squeezed it. She looked too cute when she was angry.

"Ah!" She slapped his hand surprising him. "I am not a shy little thing. I will prove you that now." She turned around and headed to the door.

"They will be sleeping. Don't disturb them." Veer said but she ignored him and walked out of their room.

When his wife hadn't return to their room after two minutes, he decided to go and check on her. His parents' room door was slightly ajar so he knocked it twice before pushing it wider and walking in.

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