Part 49

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Dedicating this part to my soul sister anish_17 on account of her birthday.

Happy birthday Anish akka! God bless you :)



Part - 49


"Nothing lasts forever. Please be my nothing." 


Inayat's eyes startled open when she heard her phone ringing. She sat up and shuffled her duvet to find her phone. Luckily, she grabbed her phone with hasty hands before it got cut.

"Veer" she breathed his name as if it was a prayer. "You okay?"

"Inayaa, what's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"First tell me you are okay, Veer, please?" she begged.

"I am okay. All things are under control. There is nothing to worry."

"Oh thank Allah" she sighed in relief.

"Now, you tell me? Were you crying? Your voice sounds hoarse."

"No, I was sleeping and I am having sore throat." She partially lied not wanting to worry him by telling her worry that she was worried about him.

"Sleeping? This soon?" He asked as it was not like her to go to bed by 7 in the evening. "You had dinner?"

"No, I was just taking a nap. I will join everyone for dinner, shortly."

"Oh. Is your new job tiring? If it's, you better quit. There is no need for you to work, you know."

"No. No. I like this job and I want to do it."

"Hmm okay."

"Why didn't you call any of us for these many days, Veer? Do you have any idea how worried ammi was?"

"Only your ammi was worried, not you?" He teased her.

"You know I was too..." I am always worried for you, Veer! "...But don't change the topic. Tell me why didn't you call?"

"Situation, Inayat." He sighed audibly. "Though the situation is calm now, you never know when the anger rears it's ugly face and people get agitated, here. It's heartbreaking to see innocent people suffer..." 

"I hope and pray the bad days of my beautiful Kashmir would end soon."

"Hmm" he too prayed to see good days in Kashmir! "I am sorry I couldn't find time for you, my family..."

"I understand"

"Okay, now let's talk something light and happy..."

"Veer, I just had a dream..." She could feel her cheeks heating up.


"You came in my dream" she said blushing profusely.

"I am delighted to hear that, Inayat" he said in a husky tone.

"You kissed me..."

"Oh!" She had stunned him by telling her dream. "Wish I was there to kiss you again but this time for real" he said closing his eyes and picturing her soft shy smile.

"You just didn't stop with a kiss..." She continued strangely feeling bold and compelled to tell him more about her dream.

"Oh! What was I doing in your dream?" He asked and waited with bated breath, anticipating to know what he had done.

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