Part 28

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Part 28


"The most important things are the hardest to say"


"There office has been divided up by glass partition. They are no more sharing the same office space" Rishab told his wife as they walked out of the elevator and walked in the long corridor.

"Oh, I am glad" Madhu commented. She wanted him to move on soon as he deserved a better life.

"I think he deliberately made this change as he wanna put some distance between him and Naira. It won't be easy for him to see the girl who ditched him throughout the day" Madhu said sorely. She was still cross with her daughter for what she did.

"Don't start now, Madhu" Rishab said and knocked at Naira's cabin door.

They stepped in once she called 'Come in'

"Dad, mom?" Naira was surprised with her parents impromptu visit. "You guys here? Is there any reason?"

"We came to see your new office" Madhu said as she looked around her office. The blinds were drawn down from the other side of the glass which means Roshan had shut it from his end and Madhu frowned at that. "Roshan is clearly avoiding Naira" Madhu thought.

"Oh" Naira didn't buy that reason. She hadn't setup a new office at all. Only renovation work took place in her old office so what's there to see? They came to check whether things were going smooth between Roshan and her. "Oh c'mon guys, I am not a baby. I can deal with my shit" she thought with an inaudible groan.

"I think you are busy with your clients so you carry on. We will wait for you in the waiting room" Rishab said noticing a young couple sitting and seemingly in the middle of a discussion.

"No dad, we are almost done here. Moreover, I want you guys to meet my clients." She said making her parents wonder whether they were anywhere connected to her clients. "Mr. & Mrs. Gaurav, you guys have heard a lot about my parents and now its time to meet them in person. My dad, Rishab Kundra and that's his lady love and my mom Madhubala Kundra."

"Delighted to meet you Sir" Naira's client Mr. Gaurav stood up and shook his hand with Rishab.

"Likewise" Rishab smiled though he was puzzled not knowing their role in the young couple's lives.

"I also belong to your family" he said and seeing Rishab's confused frown he clarified "I mean the police family. I am an inspector in crime branch"

"Oh that's great" Rishab sized the guy and approved him to be a best fit in crime branch as he looked smart and shrewd.

"I am back with my husband only after hearing your story. You are such an inspiration ma'am" Gaurav's wife hugged Madhu surprising her.

Madhu awkwardly hugged her back and shared a "What's going on here?" look with her husband. He just shrugged his shoulders. He was as much clueless as she was.

"What's all that?" Madhu asked Naira once the couple left her office.

"They came to me six months back."


"On mutual consent, they wanted divorce as they felt they weren't compatible. They had constant quarrels and misunderstanding it seems. Then I told them your successful marriage story." Madhu placed her hand on her husband and they shared a proud grin. "That girl's main complaint was her husband wasn't spending time with her and I told how hardly you spent time with mom as you were so dedicated to your duty but how understanding mom was and how efficiently she managed the family all by herself. And to that guy I told how supportive you were to mom and how easily you compromise with her. It took me four sittings to counsel them..." She sighed. "...but I made good money. I charged for every sitting" Naira said with a winked. Her parents laughed. "They decided to give their marriage a shot and it clicked. Now, they are going to have a baby. They came to give me the good news along with this chocolate basket" Naira said eying the chocolate basket gleefully.

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