Part 27

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Hi guys, I am promptly back with an update after my exams (For those who are interest I did my final examd well)... Hahahah!

Okay, its a short update but I hope its sweet because you get to read your favourite couple Rishbala's moment!

Part 27


"Men are a luxury, not a necessity"


"She ditched me, bhabhi! Can you believe that? She left me and went with my dad to God knows where!" Arjun grumbled as he sat at the center of his bed with his legs crossed and his food plate on his lap. 

"Maybe she's still angry and that's why she didn't wait for you...but trust me she will come back to you" Inayat said positively.

"In a week we broke up twice, bhabhi. Twice! How will we work if we keep going like this?"

"Give her some space, Arjun..."

"She bloody broke her hand..." He continued with his ramble without listening to Inayat. "...and she didn't even let me check her hand. She showed so much attitude to me which highly pissed me off."

"Arjun, uncle made sure her injury wasn't severe so you need not worry. She will be fine"

Arjun frowned before realization hit him. "So you too know she was hurt but you didn't mind to tell me, right?" He asked accusingly.

"Um... Er... I thought not to tell and upset you... You had exam.... Wait, how you wrote your exam?"

He just showed thumbs up.

"Good. Now eat" she had brought lunch to his room as he preferred to eat there but not in the dining room when Inayat told she already had her lunch. 

"Where's mom?" He asked remembering he didn't find his mother and dadi from the moment he came home from college.

"Ammi has taken dadi to the doctor for her regular check up"

"Haan. You spoke to bhai?"

"Yeah. He is in Leh Ladakh on some training camp." Inayat said as she toyed with the stethoscope lying on the bed. She wondered if Arjun would let her use it. She always wished to listen the heart beats using it.

"You wanna use it, bhabhi?" Arjun asked glancing at her before focusing on scrolling his FB page.

"Um... No" Inayat shook her head and pulled her lower lip between her teeth in embarrassment.

"Oh no! This girl is hell bent on making me jealous"

"What happened?" Inayat asked softly.

"You check me and tell my heart is still beating, bhabhi. Come on quick." Arjun said as he placed his palm over his chest and acted getting heartache.


"Look at this?" He turned his phone to her side so that she could see what shocked him. Inayat took a close look at the screen and just smiled. She didn't find anything wrong in that photo.

"She bloody took my dad to Pizza world, the place where we used to go after every exam..."

"So?" Inayat asked with a frown. What's wrong in taking your boyfriend's dad out for lunch?

"So?" He asked in disbelief. "Bhabhi, I should be me the one going on lunch date with my girl, not my dad. And look at their faces." Gosh! He groaned. "My dad always gives a stoic look but with her he is all smiling. It's so unlike him. And Kathy... She... She's never been this happy around me... Seems like she likes my dad more than me... She is making me feel jealous of my own dad and I don't like it at all" he felt like he wasn't a good boyfriend as he couldn't make his girl happy. Well, he did make her happy by giving her sexual pleasure but not the real kinda happiness.

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