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"Stop it! Babe oh my god!!" I shrieked on the couch my boyfriend Lucas won't stop tickling me.

It's Friday and It's our annual movie night. Every night Lucas and I hang out in his apartment, we build a fort, turn on the television, watch a lot of corny romantic movies and rummage food from the cupboard and refrigerator.

It's been a cold week here in Manhattan, That's why I'm nozzled on Lucas' chest.

We seem childish but who cares? we have our own fort! Our own castle!

We tied a rope from across the room and placed a large white bed sheet on top of it and then we placed the couch under it so its like a big tent and we grabbed a lot of pillows and the huge duvet and we cuddle ourselves in. We look ridiculous but being senior students living in an apartment in New York, no one will see us.

A loud bang from the door made both us jump.

"What in the actual fuck is this?" a stern raspy Australian accent exclaimed. Obviously pissed.

The tall figure pulled all our covers dragging it all into the floor.

"Well hello to you too, bro" Lucas exclaimed plainly

"I uh- hi L-Luke" I exclaimed nervously.

Well, except for that one thing. Lucas has a twin named Luke and he is the exact opposite! They were transfer students from Australia, when i was a sophomore. Now its been two years and we are all in our senior year. Luke and I had classes together but we never had a chance to talk. The only talk we had is every time he start some shit with me.

Luke's a mysterious kind of type but he's not the ideal guy to put up with. You don't want to start anything with him. If you have a death wish then be my guest. He likes black, he wears black from head to toe. Luke and Lucas' face are literally the same. They are identical twins. The only difference between them is that Luke has a lip piercing and now it has evolved into a lip ring and he had his hair on a quiff while my babe has a long fringe.

I don't actually know anything about Luke because I haven't really met the guy I mean he always shut people out. Yeah we go to some classes together but he sits at the back and seclude himself from everyone else. I don't talk to Lucas about him because it would be awkward and why would I care. I can't force people to like me.

All I know is that Luke is really good in math, in any kind of math. Calculus, Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry and whatever, name it and he knows it.

He's kind of a real deal but any girl in school is smart enough to not fall in love with him I mean there are a few who hooked up with him but it didn't end up pretty well. Luke's a really dangerous guy.

"Its past midnight is it appropriate for a girl your age to hang out with your boyfriend at this time of the day?" Luke asked,

I literally want to punch him on the balls and smack him on the face and just strangle him on the floor until he turns blue.

I smiled and cleared my throat, "Shouldn't you be fucking girls your age instead of hookers old enough to be your mother?" I spat out, making Lucas cry because of laughter.

I noticed that Luke clenched his fists but I wasn't afraid of him. This wasn't the first time we had this kind of encounter.

"Just...Go home!" He whispered shouted

"Bro, let me tell you something. This is my house too." Lucas exclaimed standing up.

They both have this tall muscular frame but Luke is more muscular and lenient.

Luke looks taller because of his quiff but they're really just the same height.

"I just dont want her moaning your name in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping" Luke exclaimed,

"Screw you" I smirked. I really want to piss him off that's why I'm not bothered with anything he say.

"Oh please Pheobe Scott. Go home!" He exclaimed emphasizing every word.

"Shut up Luke! She's my girlfriend. She has every right to be here because I want her too!" Lucas stood up for me,

I really don't want any drama because we were having a really good time and thanks to this scumbag everything's ruined.

"Fuck you both!!" Luke retorted before walking away in a flash, leaving the house.

"I really like your brother" I muttered sarcastically,

"He wasn't really like that before"

"I wonder what happened to him"

"Yeah, I know.Im his twin but I don't know. It beats me too"


Tuesday, and I have this huge Trig test. I'm worried that I might get another 'F' because last week I did. I already have 2 F's and if I fail today I'm done!

Lucas drove me to school today. He's one of the most popular kid here in school. He's the captain of the soccer team with grades all straight A's I mean it would be embarrassing to have a girlfriend who always fail her Trigonometry test. I have a reputation to maintain.

Its so hard to be honest but seriously there is only one who can help me with this. He who's name I despite.

The test started and everything just went down the fucking drain. I just can't believe why we study for this shit! I mean, you don't need cos, sin, and tan when you compute your budget when grocery shopping. Who the hell invented this madness?

I sighed and cursed under my breath as I stare at my paper when suddenly, I felt cold lips made contact on my cheek.

I was startled that it almost made me yelp, but thank god I didn't draw the attention of anyone and luckily I wasnt heard by my prof.

I stared at the person who sat beside me and kissed me out of nowhere.

"That's for pissing me off the other day" Luke snickered as he play with his lip ring using his tongue, his blue eyes more pale than ever.

"You c-cant just go kissing people, those who has a boyfriend who is your twin brother" I whisper-shouted

"Our parents always tell Lucas and I this when we were younger 'Youshouldsharewhateveryouhavetoyour brother.'" He air qouted.

Just shut up, Pheobe. Ignore him and finish your test. Everything will be okay this torture will be over soon.

"I practically own you" He smirked still not taking his eyes off of me.

Seriously this dude is about to get smacked on the face.

"Maybe there's a parasite in your head eating your brain" I countered,

"Oh I know you're so into me" He spat, I swear I could vomit just hearing those words coming from him.

Yes he is attractive that even our old teachers who are single and divorced would want to hook up with him, actually also our married teachers. I'll give him that. But his egotestical attitude won't pass. He's not my type and he will never be.

"Get over yourself, Hemmings"

This is the longest conversation I had with him and I hope that this will be the last.

He just sat beside me the whole period. I don't even know if he's answering the test.

After a few minutes, Mr. Allen took our papers.

I was about to walk towards his table to give him mine when Luke grabbed my wrist and took my test paper away from me and crumpled it like scrap.


He didn't say any word but instead he handed me his.

"What the fuck will I do with this? I'm going to fail because of you, you douche!!" I almost screamed not caring about the paper he handed to me,

"All your answers were wrong" He blurted, making me flush. "I answered it for you and I also wrote your name on it." He exclaimed before walking out.

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