twenty eight

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I just finished drinking my 3rd cup of coffee, its only 8 in the evening and Amanda ditched me for Ashton but then again I'm just her "temporary" roomie.

I can't sleep like I'm so hyped, I know drinking loads of coffee wouldn't help, its the caffeine I'm telling you!

I coughed and decided to take a night stroll, since tonight is so peaceful I will take advantage of it.

I replaced my old sweats with jeans and wore my sneakers.

The soft crisp air caresses my face, I loved the way it sends shivers down my spine. The wind feels good, its really peaceful tonight.

I sighed and kept walking.

I heard my name being called but its sounds faded, I turn around and saw Travis.

"Hey Pheobe!" He called out and I stopped walking for him to catch up to my phase.


"What are you up too? walking alone in the middle of the night?" He chuckles;

"I don't really know I'm just talking a walk, I got bored in my room so, I went out"

He didnt answer me but he just trailed beside me.

"Where are you going?" I asked,

"Back to the frat house" He shruggs, "That's where you're going too, right? I mean you're heading that way, obviously"

I didn't notice that my feet are leading me there.

"I uh-no I was-"

"No its okay, come with me to the frat house, we have nothing to do anyway I mean you"

I don't think that's a good idea.

"Alright, maybe Amanda's there, she's been gone for the whole afternoon"

"Oh she's there alright" He smirks.

We were silent for a moment I can only hear the howling of the wind to my ear. Everybody left already for the summer.

"So, you're gonna stay here until school starts again?" He asks,

I shook my head, "I'll be heading to Boston for the weekend, how about you?"

"Nah, I'm going home to see my sister, she's sick"

"Oh, I hope she will get well soon"

"Me too" I don't want to be nosy so I dropped it off, but I can feel that his sister's sickness is really serious based on the tone of his voice its not a joke.

He juggles his keys and clicked the doorknob,

"Come in" He exclaimed,

"What's up dicks!" He greeted he enters the door,

"You look happy?? Today" Calum asks,

He laughed, "Guess who I bumped in to today?"

"Who?" Calum asks,

"Pheobe" He smiles and gestured to me as Luke and Calum look at me,

I gulped when I saw Luke's face, I don't know why but it felt like I couldn't move as his stare digs under my skin. I hate this.

"Pheobe, don't just stand there get in, its cold outside" Travis called out,


I didn't Luke will be here, damn.

I nodded and closed the door behind me and made my way to their living room.

"Hi" I muttered, I shouldn't have come here, I thought everyone will be gone including Luke,

"What's up, Pheobe?" Calum asks, the same quirky guy I met at the theatre when I joined Luke in his...shift, that was the moment when I thought Luke and I were finally being close but guess what, I was wrong.

"I uh-I d-dont know?" Why did I say that?? I mentally face palmed myself,

Calum and Travis burst out of laughter, leaving Luke just to stare at me.

I sat down on a empty single couch, why is my heart beating too fast?

As Travis and Calum talk about the hockey finals I listened to them as I fidget with my fingers, I don't hear Luke butting in the conversation he just sat there, listening as well.

"So, Pheobe! Why are you going to Boston again?" Travis asked,

Damn it, why does he have to be nosy now that Luke is around, I don't feel comfortable with him listening to my plans, since that day..the day he didn't showed up for weeks making me look like a fool, the day that I knew that it was my fault for pushing him away when he provoked me, torn me, I don't know if I hate him this feeling in my chest is unbearable whenever I see his face I want to go back to when everything is fine between the both of is. I know I pushed him away when I got pissed but that was ages ago. I know better now.

I swallowed a lump down my throat to make my dry vocal chords functional, "I'm going to visit my aunt for a few days and come back here and you"

Calum laughed like what I've just said is a joke "Who the hell studies?"

"I don't" Travis butts in with a laugh.

"In college, nobody studies, we go here to party for the girls!"

"Cheers to that!"

They seem to enjoy the fact of their wrong perseption but I don't care about what they say, they're wrong, I came to college to have a better life. Obviously.

I faked a smile to not look rude and to just acknowledge them.

It was already past 10 and I couldn't move from my seat, I shifted uncomfortably for a few times and I regret the fact that I agreed to come here, I should be in my room, sleeping or eating a big ass bag of potato chips but I am here in a frat house waiting for my roommate to show up with two weirdos who can't shut their traps and with Luke who cannot stop staring at me, I can feel his stares digging under me.

I tried to look up but down again I am literally not enjoying this right now.

When I heard heels stomping on he staircase, I knew that its Amanda.

She's giggling with Ashton as they make their way down. A Malibu babe like a Amanda and a frat boy  like Ashton they look really cute together.

Amanda darts to me as soon as she sees me, "Hey! I was about to come back the dorms"

"I was just hanging with these guys"

"Hanging? no you look like you're trap here are they being dicks to you?"

"No" I lied, except for the fact that Luke is killing me with his quiet stares and Travis and Calum's mouths are too annoying to even listen to their words, I'm fine thank you for asking.

She laughed,

"Were not being dicks just so you know!" Calum defended,

Amanda shrugs, "I wouldn't believe you even if I see it with my own eyes" She teased earning a Calum who's sticking out his tongue,

Ashton glared at him making him stick his tongue back and sit back.

I laughed as I shook my head,

"Let's go?" Amanda asks and I nodded

I stood up but felt a hand dragging me out of the room,

You've gotta be kidding me, can people just stop tooling me around?!

I trued to jerk my hand "Luke, what are you doing?!" I asked as he drags me behind me out of the house.

"We need to fucking talk"

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