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"The formula is y= mx + b. Dammit, Scott! didn't you learn this in 7th grade? What are you? 10?" Luke groaned in frustration.

I sighed, we've been bickering for hours. I don't want to start another fight with him. I'm so tired, we can never get along. This is so devistating.

"Ok, Ok, I get it now" I exclaimed giving in.


"That's it! were done!" I exclaimed in joy hugging my notebook in excitement.

Luke just stared at me like I'm a weird retard.



"Why do you always stare at me?"

"I wasn't and I never did just so you know"

"Yes you were"

"Nope" He exclaimed popping the p,


"Scott, Jesus! I swear you're so annoying" this time his checks were tinting a light blush of pink.

I laughed at him and stood up from the study table.

"Do you want to hang out?" I asked sheepishly a little hesitant at first.

"What do you mean? its 7 in the evening and around 7:30 I have work" He blurted a little unsure if he should tell me these kinds of things,

"Work?" I asked tilting my head a little to the side.

He scratched the back ofc his neck brush a little hair, "I uh-yeah. I work at the movie theatre"

"I didn't know that? why is your shift that late?" I asked wanting to know more.

"Its my stupid co-worker. Lou he called in sick so I've been doing his shifts for 2 days now."

"That sucks" I joked

"It does. Well, I guess I should just come with you" I exclaimed

"Its a Friday night. Why would you want to waste this night with me? do you not have friends?"

I shook my head, "Obviously I don't"

"That makes one of us"

"What do you mean? You have a lot of friends"

He laughed at my statement and I find it unbelievable. I always see him with someone. All I know was he was never that "alone" kind of guy because he can go to parties I mean you need friends if you go to parties, right?

"I have my own levels of friendship"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't start friendship with just anyone"


"Its just better that way"

"I don't get it but I have to agree with you because I know that I will never win this argument" I kid.

"You're learning" He smirked.


I brush the popcorn crumbs off of my hair a little pissed but laughing.

Luke threw some popcorns at me first so we ended up having a popcorn fight.

"What the hell, Hemmings. You're really a kid." I teased,

"Oh shut up, don't act like you didn't enjoy it" He retorted.

I rolled my eyes and continued brushing my hair.

"Dude! how are you?" a loud voice started, entering the vicinity.

"Calum, hey!" Luke greeted back,

"What's up? duty calls?" He asked.

Luke nodded.

"Oh hey there!"

"Me?" I asked with a high pitched voice making me cringe because of how stupid it sounded.

"Yeah you" the dark haired boy stated

I just smiled.

"Bro, you didn't tell me that she's beautiful" Cal whispered loudly, making Luke cover his mouth, giving him a death glare.

"What?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed.

"N-nothing" Luke stuttered.

I laughed, "I heard it. So, Calum, right? do you really think I'm beautiful?" I flirted wanting to see what Luke has to say to this.

"I think so. But you're really not my type but you're pretty, I won't deny that. Why don't you ask that to Lukey boy? he wouldn't shut up about you" Calum exclaimed, earning a punch on the stomach.

"Shut up!" Luke muttered, making me laugh.

"He says you got a nice ass, would you turn around a little? I want to see what he's talking about"

I was about to let Calum check me out, but Luke groaned in frustration and grabbed me by the waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to pull away from him.

"Calum, if you please?" Luke cued Calum to step away the counter.

"Let's go!" he tugged my arm and led me out the movie house.

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