sixty four

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"Calum, I fucking told you to Google romantic travel destinations not Google fucking puppies!" I groaned in frustration,

"Just fucking take her out on a movie and have sex with her then after that fucking ask her to be your girlfriend!" He shot back,

"Shut up! You're ruining everything just help me out!" I raised hands up in defense, ruffling my hair in frustration.

I sat myself beside Calum, watching him scroll up and down a webpage.

"Do you think she'll say yes?" I asked as I fidget with my fingers,

"Uhm you ditched her your first date and now you're going to bring her in some place..a far place during our five days of holiday, I think she would way no" He mocked, and I swear I was almost going to punch him.

"First of all, you were the fucking reason why I didnt got to go to our date, because of your stupid car and second of all I didn't fucking ditch her, I was almost robbed!"

"Why didn't you just gave them your phone instead of breaking your knuckles and almost commuting murder?"

"Like hell I would, I have too many memories in my phone" I scoffed,

"You're so gay"

"Only for you, Calum"


"What do you think of-"

"Bora bora or Hawaii?" I asked selflessly,

"Hawaii!" Calum exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah I was thinking of that" I smiled,

"How are you going to afford this?"

"I'm going to sell my body and maybe also drugs oh and maybe murder you too" I chuckled,


"Where do you think all the money came from? I had two lame ass jobs during highschool and since my mom still sends me my allowance I never got the chance to really pay anything and I never bought anything for myself with my money either." Obviously.

"I thought you only work at the theater?"

"I was just bored and that was part time. I have a part time job and I have a real job"

"Well, I didn't know that"

"Nobody does" I shrugged.

"Well then, what's your real job?"

"I'd tell you but then I have to kill you" I laughed,

"You suck!"

"Shush, so Hawaii is it then?" I asked again.

"Yeah, yeah" Calum yawned as he stood up from the stool, "Man, it's 9:30 let me sleep and we will talk about this more in the morning" He rubbed his eyes with the back if his hand before opening the door letting himself out.

Is it really that late?


I arrived a little late at trigonometry class but, I was even more surprised that Scott was also late, she arrived 20 minutes after I did. She sat beside me, taking me by surprise because usually I was the one who always seats beside her to annoy the shit out of her.

She kept mumbling to herself but I didn't mind her. Scaring the shoot out of myself if ever she asks me things and I will slip telling her that I was planning to surprise her for our holiday trip for our mini term break. I just don't want to ruin things so I tried my best to ignore her.

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