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"What the heck?" I exclaimed, the blood in my head wanted to explode. I cannot believe what Im seeing..I mean who Im seeing infront of me right now.

"B-Babe?" Lucas exclaimed, taking off his Ray-Ban 

"How dare you" I scoffed,

He came closer, "Babe, no! dont understand"

I laughed a little, "Bruh, you do not need to explain anything, I saw everything."

"No it was a misunderstanding I-" He was about to touch my hand but Luke pushed him off;

"I told you last night to never come near her" He snarled,

"You know what, Luke? Here's 50 bucks, why dont you take it and buy some booze and get yourself stoned and leave me and my girlfriend to talk, I mean she's my girlfriend and I'm her boyfriend and just so you know, relationships are only for two" Lucas snarled,

I nearly barfed from his statement, "You do not tell him what to do and we are done"

Lucas laughed, "What he's your guy bitch now?"

I shook my head I really wanted to punch this dick.

"I cannot believe you even dated him" Luke exclaimed, pissed. "Why did you even liked him?"

Yeah, Scott. Why did you even put up with this creep?

"Well, you can say that because you haven't had sex with me" Lucas answered

"What the hell? I didn't even given you a hand job!" I protested

Luke laughed, is this arguement turning into a joke and into a banter because I don't have any idea what the fuck is happening right now.

"This is pointless. Were over. go find some uneducated bimbo and destroy her! See who gives a fuck!" I scoffed, grabbed Lucas wrists and walked away, leaving Lucas in the middle of the crowd which was forming to watch us like animals in a circus.


"God what an asshole" Luke exclaimed while munching on his fries, we were having a snack or whatever in IHOP.

"Can we not talk about him. God he's such a dick. Anyways let's forget about him just for tonight, let's have fun." I smiled

He nodded, "Okay, we will not talk about him. So, what's your plan?"

I grabbed a napkin from across the table and wiped my lips before talking, "I just want to get back to Manhattan and well set things better." I answered plainly, it was the truth. "And move on, basically" "What about you?"

He didn't answer he just fidgeted with his fingers for awhile.


He looked at me and smiled,

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to do all the things for someone I need in my life" He chuckled quietly.

I nodded ignoring his statement, "Anyways when are you going back to New York?"

"Well, the sane time you'll be heading back. What else do I have to do here right?"

"Uh-spend time with your family?" I answered in a duh tone.

"I came here for you not them."

I may or may have not exploded inside.

I smiled, "Aw" I teased,

He shook his head and laughed.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He asked in oblivious,

"You're being kind to me, Hemmings. You're like the opposite of the douche-ego-balls-jackass-with-no-future I've met. You make me feel uneasy for even thinking that you were a jerk now that you're letting me in your life."

"What?? douche-ego-balls-jackass-with-no-future??" He protested;

I laughed, "That was before!" I admitted,

He laughed with me, "You have no idea don't you?"

I tilted my head to the side a little bit, "What?"

"Scott, the first time we had a normal talk slash argument you told me not to fall in love with you. I'm so sorry but I've fallen hard even tho I'm pretty damn scared about what is happening."


you slay Luke!

Luke's like "I'm gonna make googoo eyes with Pheobe bc she's so pretty and single"

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