thirty two

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Luke's P.O.V

Fucking hate this! if I'm not even part of this fucking university and this fucking fraternity I would never ever fucking attend something like this!

"Luke! C'mon! Ashton's already at the bonfire" Calum exclaimed before walking out of my room.

I made everyone feel that I'm interested with this shit but I'm not.

We walked the field and these fucking seniors are throwing food at each other. Immatures.

"I swear if they fucking spill food on me they're dead" I muttered under my breath only for Calum to hear since Asshole Travis is walking with us.

"Don't worry, those stiffs will never touch us Alpha's" He chuckles,

Alpha Psi such a pathetic name. If Ashton wasnt even my friend from the start I will never join this, I owe him because of the fake ID he gave me; I was able to fuck girls in the club. It was hard to convince Calum at first because Ashton gave him a hard time last year they literally wanted to kill each other before but when I told him I'll do favors for him he accepted it. Loser.

As soon as we saw Ashton we made our way to him.

"You fuckers I thought you'll never gonna show up" He chuckles once were near to him, He raised his red cup and his girlfriend made her way to him and wrapped her arms along his waist. They're fucking unseperable.

Travis hands me a red cup full of beer, I smelled it first before drinking it to make sure that its pure beer and not piss or beer with come, they fucking do those pranks all the time. Once I know that its clean I took a sip and let the liquid burn down my throat.

"Is Pheobe coming?" Calum asks as we walk into the bleachers,

"How should I fucking know?!"

"Dude you guys were so tight when I first saw her in that old damn movie theatre you used to work in"

I cringed at the memory. I tried so fucking hard to forget that day but I couldn't the way we would play jokes on each other and when I led him back in the apartment and we watched cheesy flicks that I thought I would never watch until the day that I die but..

"What the fuck, Luke? Are you even fucking listening?" Calum cussed,

"Yeah yeah I was!" I wasn't.

An hour pasts and I swear to god I want to get out of this shit hole and just sleep. I don't want to attend this shit in the first place.

"Hemmings! come here!" Travis called out, "You too, Hood!"

I drank the last sip of my drink and tossed the red cup behind me.

"Ow what the fuck?" A female voice exclaimed in distant, I knew I hit someone. I couldn't care less.

I lazily stood up and Calum trails behind me.

What the fuck?

Pheobe is standing in front of Travis her eyes..her hazel eyes staring at my direction. I swear I thought I'm lost..lost in her eyes.

"Pheobe! I didn't expect to see you here!" Travis greeted, "Who is he?" Nosy jerk,

"He's uh-he" She stutters.

Now I'm more intrigued to know who the fuck he is.

"I'm Connor" He shakes his hand to Calum and Travis which they obliges, he reaches out for my hand but ignored it.

"Nobody really does that introducing shit anymore" I scoffed.


Before I fucking know it fucking Calum is already dragging Scott and Scott is dragging dick along with her.

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