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WAYWARD is over but fear not my fellow fan girls for I have written book two ready for you!

Chapter one is probably up by now right after you read this!

I would just like to thank every single one of you who is reading this at the moment. You changed my life and you inspired me without you even knowing it!

I can't believe that this book reached a hundred thousand reads and you guys are just awesome and I love you.

If you enjoyed this book I hope you recommend it to everyone you know because it will really mean a lot!

I hope you guys are ready for book two which is PERVERSE!!

I'm honestly very excited to write it for you guys and share Luke and Scott's world with you. I really hope you support the second book like you did in this one!

You guys own my heart and seeing you effort on writing wonderful comments just makes me cry, yes its a simple thing to do but it just means so much to me because I really dream to be a writer like John Green, J.K. Rowling and E.L James. You guys made it happen even though my work is not good as theirs.

I hope you have PERVERSE saved unto your library! You should go check chapter one now before you go emotional AF lol.

Thank you so much! xx - 69slucifer

(PS. I hope u don't get confused BC I changed my un. I used to be punkyouhemmings)


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