sixty eight

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"You're going where?!" Ellie and Connor exclaimed at the same time,

"Hawaii" I answered with a huge smile on my face as I slurp on the spaghetti I just ordered, "Yum, the food here is delicious, Ellie!"

"I know, right? They serve the best wine too!" She smiles, raising her glass up. "But is that Luke guy your boyfriend?" She asks, her brows furrowed.

"I uh-" I don't know, is he?

"So Ellie, when is the meeting for the board members?" Connor changed the topic, I owe him.

"Oh its on Monday!" She answers.

"When are you going to Hawaii, Phoebear?" Connor asks,

"I have no idea, I think a few weeks from now, a month? I haven't really talk about it with-"

"Hey, that blonde guy with tattoos won't stop look at you" Ellie elbowed me as she sips from her wine glass.

I coughed and coughed before looking at the direction she pointed.


He was just sitting two tables behind us.

My eyes widened as he makes his ways towards us. He looks wonderful. Black sweatshirt, his usual ripped black skinnies and his black converse.

He makes his way towards our table, towards me, kissing me softly oh the cheek, taking me by surprise.

What the??

"I'm sorry about last time-" He started, facing Connor.

"Oh, worries?" Connor didn't even know what to say, how to respond at Luke's friendly gesture. So did I.

"Can I steal her from you guys?" He exclaims grabbing my hand, lacing our fingers, I swear I didn't know what to do.

He dragged me out of the restaurant before Connor and Ellie could even say a word.

He dragged me towards a black Range Rover, He opens the passenger seat,

"L-Luke what are you doing?"

"Get in" He orders, leaving the car door open as he rounds the car to get in the driver seat, starting the engine.

"But my things are still-"

"Its all in here" He cuts me off, as I lower my head to see him seating inside, buckling his seatbelt.

"My car I uh-"

"I'll take care of it!" He growled, I felt scared. Is this because I didn't attend school for the whole week since the incident and the video happened, I knew that the video wasn't leaked and Travis was bluffing but CUNY didn't felt like CUNY anymore, I now find it as a place where I'm haunted.

"Are you just going to stand there?" He asks, growing impatient.

I immediately climbed in and buckled myself.

He drove the car with me not knowing where he's going to take me.

The road back to CUNY was supposed to be on the other side but he took a different street, leaving me in confusion.

And who the heck owns this car?

I stare at him as he drive, he looks mesmerizing, I haven't seen him in a few days since that his bathroom when he broke down in front of me, holding me like I'm some fragile glass he doesn't want to let go.

"Why didn't you go to school today?" He asks bluntly,

"Uhm I-"

"Answer me!" He exclaims as he turn the steering wheel.

"I applied for CUNY's home school program" I started, "Since that-" I stopped myself "I have work and I kind of like it and I'm planning to decide what I'm going to be majoring in before I become a sophomore. I just don't want to go back there to be honest. I don't want to see any more people" I finished. Its true, what's the point of lying? I don't want to go back to class, I feel traumatized, everything doesn't make any sense.

"And you decided that without me knowing, you think that's okay?!" He snarled.

Wait, what?!

"Luke, what do you want? Honestly? And where are you taking me? I still have work! Just drop me off and I'll find my way back to Laymon." I scoffed,

"I talked to the lady over there with

a guy's name. You're free for today."

"You did what!?" I freaked, "I just had the job! I barely work there for a month! How did you manage to request-"

"I'm Luke Hemmings baby, everything's possible" He chuckled like it was a normal thing to say.

"and who the hell owns this car?!"

"I own this car"

"How? I'm so confused!" I closed my eyes, gently rubbing my own temples.

"I bought it obviously! Stop asking too many questions!"

Here we go again.

It was silent for a moment, I decided to stop talking. I hate it when he feels inferior. He can't freaking boss me around! Who does he think he is? I'm so pissed.

I stare at his knuckles and noticed that the wounds he got and all the cuts from punching the shit out of the mirror in his bathroom healed. Thanks to Amanda's Dior concealer stick the bruise on my cheek bone has become invisible, I still have Travis to thank for it, he did a good job shaking my head and making it pretty obvious for me to leave the sorority that I'm doing a big mistake. I should just continue my internship and do well in my home schooling program and everything's going to be all right.

"Are you listening?!" Luke's annoyed voice exclaimed from the background making me snap. I didn't say a word, I just nodded.

"Whatever" I manage to mutter without him hearing it. I don't even know what he was going on about.

We park outside a condominium building. It looks very expensive. The whole building looks elegant and I swear to god even my monthly salary from my internship couldn't afford even a broom closet in this place.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice shaking a little bit as he drives towards the basement parking of the place. He didn't answer as he pulls over an empty parking space.

"Luke, where are we?!" I asked again, shaking his forearm but he grabs my hand.

"Just wait for it. Calm down" His voice was warm as he lace his fingers with mine, it fits perfectly. I'm a little surprised with what's happening we should be fighting by now because I was assuming that he's going to go crazy once I tell him I applied for the home school program but he didn't. He didn't even ask me questions.

He pressed button number 28, the elevator was swift. We were in the 28th floor in less than a minute.

The girl behind the front desk immediately smiled at him, "This way, Sir"

Luke didn't even had to say a word. What the hell is happening? I just don't get it! This way where?!

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