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"You told me that its going to be a good day" Luke snapped as I laugh so hard.

"Shut up, its not my fault that its raining" I exclaimed, it was cold and I can't deny that I'm shaking.

Both of us were stranded on this old abandon house's porch.

"I didn't listen to the weather forecast, I should've brought my umbrella, your highness" I teased;

He shook his head and just smiled.

"So, what now?"

"We wait for the rain to stop, no need to go all superhero like and fight against the rain as we run our way to the subway"

"Well, that's not a bad idea"

"You're such a kid, Luke" I laughed,

"And you're such a snail" He teased back;

"Why am I a snail??" I whined,

"Because you look like one"

"And you call me gorgeous"

We just laughed and teased each other like we've known each one since forever. I love this moment.

After a few hours of just laughing and bickering the rain stopped.

"Scott, the rain stopped"

I nodded, "You want to go home now?" I asked,



"Let's take a detour"

"Where?" Before I could ask more he stood up and started peeking through the windows of the house which was covered with planks of wood nailed in every corner.

"Luke, what ate you doing?"

Before I could protest, he started kicking the front door.

"Luke, stop!"

He kicked it again,

"People could here. They might call the police! This is trespassing!" I pleaded but before I could explain further about how wrong this is, it was too late, the door was already open.

"Viola" He exclaimed and entered inside.

We were exploring the house and well I'm really creeper out. Its weird to be entering this house, I mean its a total wreck, ceiling is busted, fuse box fried, loads of leaks, dirt stains on the wall, the living room looks like a jungle with almost all kinds of weed growing on the floor, the bathroom is so dirty and some of the walls are graffitied, the cupboards lack doors and the kitchen sink is really rust there are even a few centipedes on it; it was disgusting.

"Luke, I'm not enjoying this little detour of yours"

He chuckled softly.

"I like this house" He sighed, "Its a waste nobody cared to fix it and whatever"

I furrowed my brows, I'm a little confused.

"Maybe in the near future, I'll purchase this or apply a loan shit from the bank."

I laughed.

"I'm serious,"

"Why would you buy this house when you could just buy a new one which is perfect and you know..not like this"

He laughed, "This house is me"

I stopped fidgeting with my fingers and just looked at him.

"In the outside it doesn't look like much but inside its broken..rotted. This house is like me" His tone so serious, so husky. "Yes, it would be more awesome if I buy a new house but it would mean a lot to me if I would try and fix something"

I judged him wrong, "I don't understand, why would you waste your time because of this house" I cannot believe I am having a banter with him about this house.

"That's the point!" He walked closer, "You should've walked away when you first met me, you never should've seen what is inside..you make me feel better every time you look at me, every time you say my name electricity feels my body, with just one touch of yours I might explode. You should've walked away from me." I still don't get his point, "I am you and this house is me, you know that I was broken but you take the chance to know me, you knew the risks but you still endured it" He cupped my face and tuck my hair behind my ear, I tried to give him a weak smile; what is he doing to me?

"Bit by bit you're fixing me"

We pulled away from each other when we heard the bushes outside rustle.

"Who's there?" an old voice exclaimed, "You darn kids get out of there!"

It was the caretaker, "Run" Luke exclaimed and grabbed my wrists.

We exit by the back door which I was thankful it wasn't lock.

We laughed as we run. That was close. I didn't want to end up in jail tonight.

By the time we got far enough, with no chance in hell the caretaker would catch us, we stopped and we both gasped for air.

I heard Luke's stomach gargle because of hunger which caused us to laugh even more.

"I'm hungry too" I exclaimed. It really dark now and the street lights are already lit up.

"I know this pizza place we could go to" He offered, I nodded.

We got in the pizza place and we are really exhausted.

We entered the door and my mouth just fell off;

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I muttered under my breath.

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