sixty three

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"You can't just jump from my window and not call me back!" I tried to whisper my words but I failed, my professor ended up scolding me in front of the class.

Trigonometry class just started and I took the guts to sit beside Luke. It was awkward when I settled myself in the chair beside him. Everyone was staring at me, I swear to god if only stares could kill then I would probably die in approximately 4 seconds.

"I was supposed to but-" Before Luke could finish his statement our professor stood up and asked us to leave the class and just come back if we were finish with our couple banter.

I swear as we walk out of the room I could've choked our professor for embarrassing me before I leave but I decided against it of course.

When we were in the hallway Luke walked fast, I had a hard time catching to his phase. The school bell rang and right after it the hallways were crowded, I've never felt more claustrophobic until now. I got lost and Luke was nowhere to be found.

He didn't call me to tell me what happened after he jumped out of my window then now he's acting weird like he wants to stay away from me.

"Whats a sexy little tiger doing here all alone in a crowded place" Travis suddenly whispers on my ear making me cringe as I feel his cold breath on the skin of my neck.

I hurry down the halls before he could catch up but I failed, he grabs my hand and pushed me against the wall - pinning me.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" I protested,

He smirks, the motherfucker has the guts to smirk at my face!

I wanted to punch him but his grip on me was too tight.

"What are you doing?!"

"I want you!" He started to kiss my neck down to my collarbone, I squirmed away, "Why wouldn't you let me touch you!" He moans, just enough luck the hallways are empty, because the bell rang again for students, to exchange classes-even if I cry for help no one will help me.

"What are you saying!?" I tried to keep calm, knowing that if I am can enough then he's going to loosen his grip and if he does so I'll make a run for it.

"You're so hot, I've watched your video"


"What v-video?" I stuttered,

He didn't answer, he kept kissing my neck, I was right, when he loosened his grip I pushed him.

"What video?" I gritted through my teeth.

He laughs to my face. I wanted to lunch him then and there but he opened his lips, urging to say something so I let him,

"So, you really don't have any idea don't you?" He starts, "I thought it was just an act that you didn't know but you really have no idea" He shakes his head and I didn't answer, puzzled with what the hell he was saying, "You and Luke in the gym, you know-"

And that's when it hit me. The early morning strip basketball. "What are you talking a-about?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Watch this" He handed me his phone, "I think it hasn't spread viral yet but I think everyone in the alphas had it saved on their phone" He chuckles.

I took his phone in horror of what I am seeing, my private moment with Luke was destroyed, my dignity is destroyed. I felt disgusted with what I am seeing, my heart is pumping fast like its about to fall out my chest. I couldn't believe what I'm saying..what I'm hearing. I can feel hot tears stain my pale cheeks.

"Who would d-do such a t-thing?"

"Luke was the one who ran around with that video"

My heart churn in hatred, I've never felt anything like this against anyone before. I don't know what to do, I have no self respect left. My stomach is twisting and turning inside of me. I wanted to vomit.

Luke's P.O.V

"Where were you, man? You didn't come home again last night coach was so pissed you missed the first game of the season, we won but he wasn't happy, he wants to kick you out of the team-" Calum rumbles as I enter my room.

"Cal, if you're not going to stop talking then you might as well just help me" I groaned, plopping myself on my bed.

"What is it about?"

"Its a plan for Scott"


Yes double update and yes this is short! Don't complain I'll cut you lol no

Leaving you this chapter so you will be haunted and you couldn't sleep just thinking about what just happened,

BTW Luke's POV is the day before OK so dont get confused x

Vote and share this story so I will love you and dedicate to you the next chapters xx

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