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"You must be fucking kidding me" I muttered under my breath

"I didn't know that he was here" Luke slanged his arms to touch my back. "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

I nodded, how can this day end without me seeing Lucas, again. I just hate the fact that he came back here in Manhattan, seeing him the second time is really not ideal.

We were about to leave even tho we were dead hungry when he called us.

"Shit!" I mumbled, "Don't look, let's get the hell out of here" I laced my fingers down to Luke's hand as we make our way out.

We were taken aback when Lucas took a grip on my shoulder, "Babe wait" He pleaded, I shook his hand off. I'm disgusted by him.

"Please, Pheobe just let me explain."

"I can't, even if you explain now I will not listen" I answered blankly still not looking at him nor letting go of Luke's hand, he gave me a little squeeze.

"Meet me again sometime like a month or whatever maybe then I have already forgiven you and we could remain friends" My decision is final.

I knew that he wanted to say more but I shook my head and thought otherwise, "C'mon!" I yanked Luke's hand and we walked our way out.

Luke and I were silent. I pulled my hand away from him leaving him in confusion.

I lost my appetite now and he also seems like he forgot that he's hungry.

I cleared my throat but he decided to break the ice.

"What the fuck was that back there?" He almost shouted to my face,


"You make him feel like he still has a chance with you both getting back together"

"No! That's not what I meant, Luke"

"I mean, even anyone who is stupid can understand your point!!!"

"What do you mean?"

"You basically, told him that you still have feelings for him"

"No, I didn't" We were both practically screaming at each other; I hate it when we do this.

He shook his head, "I don't know what to do with you anymore"

I felt offended by his words Iean, I'm not the stucked up jerk between the both of us, and I'm the only person who can see who he really is, heck I'm the only one who can hang around his goddamn attitude, he is in no position to utter those idiotic words to me, hr just doesn't make any sense.

"You know what?? screw you! I never want to see you again!!" I screamed and tried to find my way back home.


A week has passed now. Lucas keeps on crawling back no matter how hard I push him away. I haven't seen Luke since..since that awful night. I wanted to apologize but my ego wont let me. He hasn't attending any of his classes, well, that's what I heard. I became really fond of Michael and he's really nice, he's really nice like I need to rub it to everyone's face that he's really nice. Both of us took literature together, since it was the only subject him and I both share which I just knew just a couple of days ago because I was so preoccupied; Michael told me how he was a bully and why Luke and him hated each other and he even apologized about him telling Luke that I was in Australia that's why he caught up to me. I forgave Michael because none of this was his fault, he's just trapped inside my circles. He's really a great guy to hang out with, since he's my only friend at the moment.

"So what's your plan?" Michael asks, we are playing this daft video game in his apartment.


"Yeah, with Luke. About the both of you"

"I don't know, and I don't care"

"Wow,harsh. Tell me again what the both of you bickered about?"

"Jesus Michael for the twenty second time, he was being a dick"

"Okay, so?"

"I told him to screw himself"

Michael laughed, "What the hell, Pheobs! I mean what did you guys fought about. This time please explain it like stop being so complicated" He sighed.

I hate it when he calls me 'Pheobs' He pronounces it as 'Fibz' I don't know. Anyways, "Ok so, I saw Lucas in this pizza place where Luke and I was supposed to eat dinner, then of course I didn't want to talk to him or see him even for the second time that day so I asked Luke if we could just leave and whatever, but then here goes Lucas who keeps on pestering me to let him explain himself I mean, there's nothing for him to explain really because I fucking saw everything. Basically, he wasn't even supposed to go back here until next week but whatever, So, I told Lucas to just stop and talk to me if I'm in a good mood but I was just obviously saying that to get him out of my hair, I really have no intentions of being back together with him or anything but then when Luke and I walked out. all of a sudden he started a meltdown."


"Yeah, he started yelling at me and he told me that I was flirting with Lucas and that I wanted him back and it was just plain stupid of him to say, you know?"

He just nodded, he's so focus on playing his video game that I don't even know if he was listening.

"Goddammit, Clifford! are you even listening?" I cussed,

"Yea. I mean, are you and Luke together??"

"No, why'd you even ask that?"

"No reason, I was just uh-wondering"


Two days after my chat with Michael (which means 13 days have passed) I still haven't seen Luke, nor Lucas. I was afraid to death that they might've killed each other but I just let that thought slide, as far as I am concern I don't want to be anywhere near a Hemmings, 100 feet radius at least.

Homeroom didn't killed me but when literature came, aye ya yai, everything crumbled down, I switched classes just so you know. The teachers find it odd for me to switch subjects knowing that this year is just about to end, well, at least.

Literature is not as bad as trigonometry but it is also not as good I hoped it would be but anyways, just 2 more months and then bam!

I walked my way to the locker just to pick a few things up, there's this school event tonights, which happens annually, its like prom but I don't know, you just go there, dress up really pretty and you Its not an accountaince but its just to celebrate tge anniversary of the school, but, whatever, I'm not going.

"Pheobs!" Michael called out so loud in the hallway, causing everyone to stare at me. Its just crazy, Michael dyed his hair purple last night. I don't know I really wanted to pang his head somewhere and tell him to stop this outragious obsession he does with his hair. Like he would listen to me, but he won't.

"Can you be louder??" I scolded Michael,

"Sorry" He breathes to take in some air. "But, I have a favor" He asks

Oh no.

"What?" I roles my eyes and grabbed my notes in my locker before closing it shut which caused Michael to cuss.

"Can you-"

"What, Clifford?" I stomped my foot hard on the ground but only he could hear,

"Since all of us are going home early and you have nothing else to do can you please accompany me to the-"

"Oh hell no!!" I walked away but he grabbed me by the shoulders,

"You don't even know what I was going to say" He whined,

"Michael, no, I won't go to that ball whatever" I exclaimed seriously freaking out.



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