twenty one

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Last day of school and I couldn't be more happier, tomorrow is graduation day.

Today, I can decide if I would go to school or not. Today is the last day and we literally don't have anything to do, well except for telling some of our friends good bye and exchange our year books for each to sign.

Michael knocks on my door, something he's so used to do ever since we became practically best friends,

"Enter!! my dear peasant" I kid as I place the last picture frame of me and my mom in a box that I'll be taking to Brooklyn.

"Shut up, I am not your peasant" He retorted, crossing his arms on his chest, I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked, "I can't believe we'll be graduating tomorrow"

I sighed, "Yeah, I know." 3 months really went fast, I didn't even feel it.

I took the cover of the box and placed it on top, its going to be a long summer but I don't care, I'll be busy preparing for college anyways, finding my dorm, enrolling, get a part time job, sell my car and get a new one, I'm basically, fully loaded but I saved 3 days to visit my aunt after I settle everything in CUNY.

"I still can't believe you're leaving me" Michael inhaled, he could be such a drama king if you know what I mean.

"You wouldn't even miss me, since you Yvonne are going steady" I scoffed, remember that night when we went to out high school's anniversary ball and I hooked them up? Well, look at them now, it seems like they've known each other from the very beginning. I like Yvonne for Michael, she's pretty, slim, a brunette like me, she's really kind and most of the time stunning, she really loves Michael; no doubt about that.

"You don't know that" He heffued and walk towards me for a hug,

"I'll miss you too, Mikey"

I pulled away and brushed my hair with my fingers.

"Hey, I have a question" He exclaimed as he sat on the couch,


"Have you heard from him?"

My heart immediately sank as I shook my head.

Ever since the night I told Luke that I never wanted to see him he dissapeared, and when I saw him at the ball, he dissapeared and that's the last time I saw him. I have no communication with him anymore. 3 months without him talking to me, I know that he already forgotten about me, or he doesn't even remember me. I hate the feeling that I'm so attached to him even though I have to move on, I want to punch myself, I never have to move on from him, we weren't even together. Yes, the spark between us was there, I felt it, I would never lie about that. But, if this is what he wants then, whatever. I'll be fine, I know I'll be.

From now on, I will never think about him or even speak of him.


Michael and Yvonne can't stop fidgeting behind me. It is what it us, today is graduation day.

I cannot believe that once I receive my diploma on stage I'm done...I'm literally going to Brooklyn.

I didn't listen to the whole speech of our valedictorian, Cassie Evans, I was always intimidated by her but anyways I just went along after people clapped upon her words. She even faked cry on stage, what a show off, I never liked her anyways.

"Michael, this is it" I whispered looking at him, he's holding Yvonne's hand.

He smiled, "Don't worry, big girl, we will visit you whenever we can"

He kissed Yvonne on her cheeks making me flush and I looked away. When can I have something like theirs? I shook my head at the thought, No, Pheobe! Stop! You've learned your lesson.

Our names were called as we went up the stage, I took a lot of photos...well, Michael took photos of me while I was getting my diploma.

When Lucas' name was called on stage he didn't came, when Luke was called he wasn't there too.

It felt like my stomach churned, I expected to see them..even though I didn't want to see them but I don't know what is this pit in my stomach that I am feeling. Everything seems so complicated even if its been months, I'm leaving to settle down my thing to college tomorrow and I just don't understand why there is a part of me that I wanted to see Luke and not Lucas and there is a part of me that wants to move on but it also doesn't. I just want to know why j really have to move on from Luke, I didn't even have feelings for him, at least that's what I tell myself.

The ceremony was over and everyone was taking pictures, crying and others were freaking out from the graduation gifts they receive.

Michael was with Yvonne's parents, they practically treat him as family now, I like the thought of them being nice to Michael.

I smiled at them  and Michael waved his hand gesturing me that he's going with them, maybe to eat somewhere fancy, you know Michael, he'll go anywhere with you as long as there's food.

I waved back and removed my graduation hat and toga, leaving me with only my black pencil skirt dress underneath. I closed my eyes a little bit as I stare at the sky, the sun hitting my eye. I don't have anything to do today.

I walked towards the car and dumped all the things that I'm carrying on the passenger sit and went straight to the driver's seat to start the engine.

I drove my way back home with this crazy little idea in my head.

What if I go check on Luke?

Thoughts of me being all I don't know mushy minded played inside my head over and ovr but I tried to ignore it.

As I pull over the lot in front of Luke's door, I immediately walked out of the car and stood by his doorway, I held my hand to knock on his door when it suddenly hit me, this is ridiculous, I shouldn't be doing this. I walked a little backwards I shook my head. What was I thinking?

I closed my eyes and walked away. I guess this is good bye.


filler chapter feel free to kill me, are you liking this book so far? if you do please comment your fave part ATM ily x.

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