twenty six

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I woke up with large baggy and bloodshot eyes, my head is throbbing and my feet are sore, I'm never going to wear heels in a party again and I will never attend a party again.

I hated the fact that I cannot remember anything that happened or how did I got home.

I'm still wearing my clothes from last night and my make up is smudged all over my face, my hair sticking out. I look like a mess...a disaster.

I look up to Amanda's bed, she wasn't there or anywhere in our room, she must've spent the night with her boyfriend.

I took a long stare at myself at the mirror and tried to comprehend what happened last night. I have no idea, I feel so pissed that I don't know what happened, Ashton and Amanda must've brought me back here and left as soon as they could.

I took my toiletries and went to the shower, Calum's right, after the party the dorms will be deserted. It felt nice to take a shower alone thought without any worry in your chest that someone might pull the curtain on you.

After taking a shower and sobbering up, I made my way to buy a new car maybe a second hand one but better, I really need it for my 3 hour drive to Boston. I can't risk taking the bus there its just that I don't trust my safety to anyone, except under the subways because I really don't have any choice.

I walk my way to the bus stop and sat on the bench for a solid 20 minutes, when the bus arrived I quickly climbed up and sat at the back.

I stared at the window and thanked god that my head ache is finally gone...well, almost gone. My eyes felt heavy but I didn't want to fall asleep for the rest of the ride.

After staring outside the window for a couple of minutes the bus finally stopped and I started walking, I saw a few car retail store but none of them had promising offers and their car models are all old.

I walked passed Jay's Car Retail and I was thankful enough to have laid my eyes on a white Chevy that fits perfectly for me, I inspected it a little and without further hesitation I signed the papers and bought it.

I drove it and is way better than my old junk, but, I'm sure as hell that I would miss it. I couldn't care less though besides that car holds a lot of memories that I wanted to forget.

I sighed, I swear I saw Luke last night, I just couldn't remember if I talked to him or anything.

I felt pissed when I turned my aircon on, the smell of lemon filled the car, I hate the scent of lemons especially when its used as an air freshener.

I stopped by the nearest 7 Eleven and bought a strawberry scented one, once it musked the smell, I was gladly to breath again.


"Were you the one who took me home last night?" I asked Amanda who was watching Netflix on her laptop as I prepare myself a cup of tea.

She shook her head, '"No I didn't"

"Then who did?"

"I don't know, I just saw Luke carrying you outside as Calum trails behind the both of you"

The tea that I was drinking almost went out of my nose as I cough.


"Wait..wait, I'm so confused"

She giggled, "You passed out, according to Luke, you were having a conversaymtion but because you were so drunk and ditzy you passed out, so he carried you and he and Calum took you back here, I offered to take you home but Luke was so worried about you that he wouldn't let anyone touch you, even me! Tell me the truth, why is he all...protective with you or whatever? Is he your boyfriend? are you guys hiding it from us?"

I felt my stomach churn, what did Luke and I talked about? I'm so confused.

"Uh-we know e-each other from high school but we don't know each other, we just went to the same school" I shrugged, I don't really know him though.

She didn't pay any attention to me and went back to watching her film.

I sat down on the bed, its awfully cold today, I grabbed my phone to see if I have any messages, lately Michael has been ditching me, I've left him thousands of missed call and millions of text messages but he doesn't answer me back.

I feel uneasy, I hate it, I can't remember what happened last night between Luke and I. I remember the whole party, the drinking the dancing but I know and I'm sure that I never talked to Luke last night, but if Amanda says that Luke and Calum brought me then I guess we really did,

I was trying to fix the puzzle pieces together but a soft tapping sound came from the door.

"Its open!" Amanda shouted,

Jesus! She just let's anyone in the door without checking who is it, what if its a serial killer or an ax murderer like those who are in the movies who kills college kids, we would be slaughtered in a heartbeat!

I sighed in relief when the door opened revealing a slightly unamused, Amber.

"Its so cold outside" She shivered,

"Well, you shouldn't be wearing that!" Amanda retorted at Amber's crop top, making roll her eyes.

"What brings you here?" Amanda asks,

"Nothing we just need to talk"

I sat in silence pretending not too see them.

"Hey, Pheobe!" Amber greeted,

Too late.

"Hi" I smiled,

It was silent but not really because of the muffled noises coning from Amanda's laptop,

"Sooo, have you decided what clubs or whatever you will join in Pheobe?" Amber asks,

I shook my head, I'm so intimidated by her, she's so beautiful.

"Well, I would be glad if you join us"

"At Delta Sigma?" I asked and she nodded,

"You can fit right there, everyone I the sorority would love to have you, were really recruiting anyone just to beat that other skanky house led by that awful Morris!" Amanda hissed,


"Yeah, those girls in the other sorority led by Quinn Morris are all bitches, I mean ugh! its hard to explain! when you meet them you'll get what I mean" She explains,

"Anyways, would you like to join us? I mean we have someone to do home works for you if you don't feel like doing it, or a free tutor and better rooms and well your own bathroom and I don't know, popularity? but our offers are really promising, its not that bad!" Amber blurted

I don't want popularity though the tutoring thing sounds good but I don't think so.

"I'll think about it" I assured them.


filler chapter sorry x

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