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"I have something to ask you" She starts,

"Yeah? what is it?"

"Remember the last night I saw you you know when we danced? uh-during our high school's anniversary?"


"Why did you uh-ignored me?" The tone of her voice is so sad, its so devestating to hear,

"I uh, look I'm sorry. I just.I didn't expect you to be there, really. I'm so fucking surprised that you even attended that shit. I wasn't supposed to ignore you but..the flashbacks of us fighting that..that night! it was all hitting me like a fucking bullet straight into my chest, that's why I got scared, I didn't know how you will react so..I turned myself down" I admitted not looking at her,

She lifts my chin, "I know, I'm sorry for that night."

I just nodded.

"You know what, I thought we were going to be starting all over again? so let's just drop everything and do a fresh start"

"You were the one bringing that up" I chuckled,

"Let's forget about everything from now on let's be positive"

"Positive? stop being ridiculous" I teased,

"Shut up" She mocks,

"We should get back inside before they think that we ran off and started fucking" I laughed.

Way to go, Luke.

When we were about to enter back into Taco Bell, Ashton signaled me to just wait for them because they were about to go outside too.

We all rode the car, still with complete silence with nothing but Ashton's radio blaring old country songs that makes me want to fucking choke myself to death.

He's the leader of Alpha Psi but he fucking listens to fucking country songs. What the fuck is he even thinking?


Pheobe's P.O.V

It felt nice being able to talk to. someone without arguing especially when that someone is someone with an attitude..personality like Luke's.

My phone started ringing, "Hello?" I answered,

"Pheobear, where are you? you're going to be late for political science!"

"Shit! oh my god sorry, where are you Connor?"

He laughed, "Its okay to swear its not like I haven't heard that word before. Oh I'm already in class you have 15 minutes before our professor arrives!" He warns,

"Ok I'll be there!" I ended the call.

Thank god Professor Bently hasnt arrived the room when I got in. I can't believe that I didnt take a shower just to get to this class. I almost threw a fit because of my frustration, I didn't know what to wear or what I'm going to do even.

"You okay?" Connor asks as I seat beside him,

I nodded as the strands of my hair fall to my face, he laughs.

"I like what you did to your hair" He smiles,

"I did nothing, Connor. I just dyed it...well the people in the salon did" I chuckled,

"Blonde suits you"

Yeah, wait until you smell her, she didn't got the chance to take a shower, My inner self chokes into laughter.

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