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Today, Luke's coming over to teach me about these fucking angles.

I grabbed blankets and a lot of pillows and placed it all in the living.

I popped some popcorns from the microwave and took some grape sodas out of the fridge and also placed it on the floor with the pillows and blankets.

I grabbed my books from upstairs and made it back down fidgeting a pencil with my free hand.

The front door opened, taking me by surprise.

"You don't really know how to knock, do you?" I hissed as Luke enter the apartment.

He was wearing a black v-neck tee, his tight black jeans with a huge hole on the knee, his red flannel tied on his waist and his hair fixed in a steady quiff.

"Are you going to lecture me about knocking or I'll be teaching you your trig?" He snapped,

I shook my head as he made his way towards the living room.

I've been checking Luke out lately and I hate it. He seems to be more and more attractive every single day.

I shook my head from my thoughts when I heard him curse.

Oh what now.

"What happened?" I exclaimed, walking towards the cursing Luke.

"Nevermind. I just almost stepped on the can of sodas"

I laughed, "You're such I child"

"I'm not the one who needs a tutor" He scoffed making me smack him on the shoulder.

"Ow! Holy shit!!"

I was surprised at his reaction. I mean I got carried away.

"Oh my gosh, I totally zonked out I thought you were Lucas I mean I-"

"No its okay, I was just surprised I mean not surprised like you know I wa-"

"I know, I know. You're not used to it" I exclaimed.

Remember when I told you that no one knows anything about him even his twin? Its because he keeps things  just to himself. I mean, imagine the pressure inside him because he doesn't have anyone to tell his problems too. I don't see him hanging out with anyone else. He secluded himself from everyone and everything else. I really want to know what happened to Luke and Lucas, I want to know why Luke is giving Lucas the cold shoulder. I mean Lucas is the only family he has here in Manhattan. I don't want to meddle with their sibling war, besides Luke made it clear that I can never be friends with him, he's just a tutor.

I shrugged off the thought and motioned Luke to sit beside me on the floor to start working on Trig.

A smirk was formed on Luke's face, something he always does. I haven't seen him smile. I mean, the full smile you know that is caused by happiness not sarcasm and I haven't seen him laugh because of joy, only the laugh he normally does when he wants to annoy that person after letting out an insult.

I wonder what made Luke like this.


"You need to find the intercept points first!"

Luke and I have been arguing with each other for the past 4 hours, he keeps calling me an idiot every time I make a mistake, making me pissed and we start another quarrel.

"Like this, 2x plus 3y is equals to 4, 3x minus y plus 5 is equals to 0. Obviously in the first equation you need to find the y to get the answer of equation two. So all you have to do is transpose. It's going to be, y is equals to 3x plus 5, y is going to be -1 since -1 and 2 lies on the equation point and it is the given number. So, you will replace y with -1 and it will be, y equals to 3 open and close parenthesis -1 plus 5, 3 times -1 is -3 that's why its going to be y equals to -3 plus 5. -3 plus 5 is equals to 2. Since -3 is lower than 5 we will disregard the negative sign so the answer here in this equation is y equals 2." He explained like it was a normal thing to do.

I just stared at his pale eyes and got lost in it.

"You're staring"

"I wasn't"

"Yes you were"

"Okay I was!"


"Because I find it fascinating"

"What do you mean by 'fascinating'?" He air quoted,

"I don't know. I just find it amusing when you go all smart and dorky like what you just did and you can still maintain a bad boy image being all mysterious and shit"

"I'm not trying to maintain any image. I just don't like people"

I laughed at his silly comment, "So you'd rather be friends with unicorns eventho there's no such thing?"

"I just don't like people because they hurt you. They break you just about when you're about to make things better. People expect too much from you. But hey! unicorns are cool too"

I laughed, "The Luke Hemmings thinks unicorns are cool. I cannot believe this"

"Hey, man. Don't judge"

"I ain't judging. I just didn't think it would fit your image"

"I told you I don't have any image that I need to maintain."

We sat in a moment of silence until I noticed something and laughed so hard.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked me, weirdly.

"I just noticed you solved a different equation and we should be studying the other page not this" I explained in between breaths as I try to make my words understandable because I can't stop laughing.

He literally face palmed himself making me laugh harder.

"You made me explain to you a whole entire lesson that wasn't even the lesson we should be studying?"

I tried to hold my laugh but I just can't.

"God. You're such an idiot, Scott"

"Fuck you"


"Did you do good today, Scott?" Luke exclaimed placing his tray on the table. It was lunch time and I'm just there sitting alone finishing my juice box.

"What a surprise seeing you wanting to sit by me at lunch" I teased,

"I don't know what you're talking about. Have you eaten?"

There's this caring side of him again.

I swear I think Luke has a switch button for everything I mean his mood swing is so unpredictable.

"Nope. Just this juice box. I drank all of it in a hurry making me feel pumped."

He just nodded as he chew on his sandwhich.

"I think I'm considered as a friend of yours now"

He looked at me weirdly, "And why do you think so?"

"Because if you won't consider me as your friend then you can't sit with me at lunch" trying to mimick a white girl act. I copied a little of a scene in one of my favorite flicks.

"Ha! Mean Girls!"

"Oh my god how did you know?"

He shrugged,

"You are so gay" I accused,

"You need to be my friend before I tell you things about me. I wouldnt even open up to you, just so you know"

"Get over yourself" I teased,

"And I am so attractive to be gay" he teased me by licking his lips making them all wet and irresistable, my knees quickly turned into jelly even if my body is plopped on the chair.

He has this affect on me. Damn it Pheobe a guy like him and a girl like you? snap out if it! Besides you have a boyfriend and let us not forget that they're twins.

I punched him on the shoulder making me cringe, "Holy shit! I'm sorry I forgot!"

Why does it affect him whenever I touch him?

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