i. feel the force

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The Force... it surrounds us... binds us. It makes us who were are... It turns us into who we are meant to be. Luminous beings are we...

Not this crude matter...

What is it... that you see within the Force? Within the depths of the black mass of space?


Past. Present. Future.

Light. Dark.


"U can nopa escape!" The deep voice growled, feet patting against the sandy terrain, breath hitching the harder they breathed. "Get bata unko!" Pointing their hand, they panted.

Wearing a tight grin on your lips, you felt a snicker rumble in your throat. Dodging past pedestrians on the streets of Mos Eisley, you jumped crates and slid past hovercrafts. "Noleeya do dreams!" You called out, nearly ramming your shoulder into a passer-by. "Sleemo!"

Gritting their teeth, they shouted: "Schutta!"

Gasping over your shoulder, your eyebrows knitted. "Kava dare u?!" Looking over and seeing them pull out a blaster, you looked back ahead only to gulp. A dead end. Three beige walls surrounding you with no way out but up or... well, past the angry smuggler.

"Mee have u ateema." They smirked, finger on the trigger as their blaster aimed right for your heart.

Lifting your hands in defense as your mouth fell open, you took in a deep breath. "E chu ta." Seeing their eyes widen, you winked, fist closing as the blaster flew right out of their hand and into yours, pushing your free palm into the air and sending them flying back, colliding with a stone pillar. "And that is how it's done..." You breathed, sticking their blaster into your now empty holster, walking over and nudging them with your boot covered foot.

They were unconscious, just what you needed to get out of that position.

Most of the time, if not always, you never killed. Killing was the last thing on your list, you preferred whoever it may be to suffer. Death was too kind.

Taking in a deep breath, you wiped the back of your gloved covered hand over your forehead, removing the excess sweat that made the strands of your hair stick to your face. The Tatooine weather was not in your favorespecially in your attire.

Black pants, beige tunic, off black boots... and the dark grey jacket you had been in. Not to mention the grey scarf and goggles that you wore because of the sandstorms.

It also didn't help that you had come from a planet that had cool weather that made your attire much more appealing...

Removing the scarf from around your neck, you slung it over you shoulder as you pushed your bangs behind your ears. You needed a breather. All that running and fighting, escaping hordes of angry bounty hunters, you pressed your hands against your knees as you shut your eyes.

Seeing water flow gracefully, bubbles sparkling as sun light beamed through the sea of tranquility, your mind fuzzed with the image painted out in your thoughts. You could almost hear it. The way the water swayed and shifted, something leaving the water momentarily, only to renter with a loud splash following.

Opening your eyes once again, your focus had been set on your breathing, only for the surrounding world to seep back into your mind, snapping you back into reality.

This wasn't new, nor was it uncommon. Recently, whenever you closed your eyes, you always pictured a vast ocean and bright skies... but never understood as to why.

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