xiv. supremacy

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"We have a guest arriving..." Snoke said as he sat on his dark throne, bright red walls surrounding him with matching Praetorian guards. "She will be entering the Supremacy's hangar soon. See to it that you welcome her."

"Yes, Supreme Leader." Hux bowed his head.

"We have... a new addition to our ever growing army. She will fit in nicely and... discard what we don't need. Those who have failed us."

Lightly smirking, Hux knew exactly what Snoke had meant. "Of course."

"She is strong with the Force. Very strong. She will be our hope. The one to crush the Resistance and bring its end. To finish off the Jedi once and for all. She is the one. The one we've all needed... all along." Snoke clenched his fist. "She will finish what he could not."

"Will she..."

"Yes." Snoke immediately answered, knowing where the General was going with his words. "In due time... I will train her with the dark side of the Force. In ways she has never learned before. She will be stronger, better... more powerful. And then, she will make her strike once she fully turns."

"A wise plan, my Supreme Leader." Hux nodded, the smirk still present on his lips. Anything to rid a... pest amongst the Order. A wavering officer and... member. "I am more than thrilled to meet this woman."

Nodding his head, Snoke grinned. "As am I... As am I..."

Landing Astrobleme in the hangar of the ship you now found yourself in, you sat there for a moment and took in a deep breath, eyes shut as you reached into the Force.

Standing in the middle of... nothing, white everywhere, you watched as one by one, walls began to appear, surrounding you, growing higher and higher until you couldn't see the very top.

"You've lifted your walls... even higher than before." Hearing the voice speak, you turned. "You haven't found your anchor."

Seeing Ben standing there in the same attire you saw him in before, you nodded. "I have."

"You have?" He questioned, the sounds of the walls lifting filled either of yours—and his—ears.

"Yes." Taking a few steps forward and hearing water ripple, you came to a stop just before him, enough where you had to look up and he, down to you. "And I think you know."

Looking you in the eye, searching them, he gave you a single nod. "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?"

"Hardly." You truthfully spoke. "But I will stop at nothing."

"It's dangerous."

"I know."

"You could die."

"What is there to lose?"

At your answer, Ben stayed silent, eyeing you... studying you. Although his focus was set on your eyes, he felt as if he were looking through them, right into your soul.

Letting out a sigh, Ben swallowed. Although he wasn't entirely real, his attachment to the lightsaber was, almost as if the real Ben had left a part of him behind to live through it.

"I know where I belong." Reaching your hand out, palm open, Ben slowly moved his hand on top of yours. "And I know what I have to do." Wrapping your fingers around his palm, holding as much as you could, you bowed your head. "Thank you."

Reopening your eyes, you heard the ramp open as you stood up, hiding your lightsaber enough that your cloak covered it.

"Stay out here." An accented voice spoke before you heard feet hitting against the metallic ramp, you drawing your attention over to it as you watched them come into view. A man dressed in all black, a coat over his shoulders, red hair slicked and parted neatly... A pale face that showed clear stress and... almost sickness. They must've been someone important to look half dead.

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