liii. together

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Ready to return to the palace, wanting nothing more for the day to end and just sleep as much as you could, you instead found yourself going elsewhere. Although it was dark out and not many people were around, you didn't seem to think much of it. If someone were to try something on you, thinking you were vulnerable since you were pregnant, you'd make them regret it

But, the Force was with you and nothing bad came your way. Instead, you were approaching Padmé's mausoleum. For reasons unbeknownst to you.

Sucking in your lips you, you walked over to the entrance and stood there for a moment, almost hesitant. Something had been pulling you to it and you weren't sure as to what. Then, after biting your inner lip, you walked inside, only to see someone kneeling before the mosaic.

Eyeing them, the way their hair was tied back in a low, small bun, disheveled clothing and a broad build, you were about to back up and leave, but they looked over their shoulder. Almost as if they sensed you. Even if you were exceedingly quiet.

Feeling your heart skip a beat as you recognized that side profile, specifically the nose, you shook your head and shut your eyes. You were afraid that you had been hallucinating, that your mind was playing tricks on you after so long of holding it all together.

But, as you stood there with eyes sealed shut, you opened them to see the person now standing before you... Looking at you, and your heart exploded. It had to have been impossible, you must've been imagining it... Maybe even dreaming, although you couldn't remember falling asleep. It couldn't have been real. It had been too long. Nine months...

Maybe you were meditating? But, even then, it all felt too real. As if there was no way out of it.

Swallowing as you looked at his face, the facial hair that had grown, the bags under his eyes... The redness surrounding his eyelids. The way his eyebrows scrunched up, eyes glistening in the darkness with tears, your heart sank. With the lack of black he had been wearing, you could see his figure. Still as towering and broad as ever.

Slowly lowering your eyes, stopping them at the hilt of his lightsaber, sitting at his hip, you shook your head. You had to have been hallucinating. He couldn't be real. He wasn't real. That wasn't him before you, nothing but a figment of your imagination.

But then you heard a familiar beep come from behind you and a faint gasp left your lips as you turned and saw that black, round droid you had grown to love. Quickly looking back over to the man, he instantly rushed up to you and encased you in his arms, bending forward and burying his face into your neck as you stood there with a racing heart.

Feeling your lips part as you stood in pure shock, you felt his grip tighten, as if he were afraid you'd slip away. As if you weren't real.

But you were and wouldn't disappear, this time he'd get to hold you and keep you there forever, and never lose you again. And you'd never lose him.

Shutting your mouth and reaching for his face, lifting it from your neck and eyeing his watery eyes, your thumbs brushed against his cheek, wiping his tears. Feeling his skin against your palms. Knowing he was real. Standing, hunched before you as he kept his eyes locked on to your own as tears fell, waiting forever for this moment.

"Kylo..." You breathed, breaking the silence as you let out an involuntary whimper before smiling. "Kylo!" Pulling him into a strong kiss, trying so hard to contain your happiness and the wide grin that took over your lips, you felt his lips move against yours just as passionately before you pushed back. "You're alive. You're alive!" You chuckled as he smiled, you moving your hands down his neck and shoulders, against his arms and into his hands, feeling them in your own. "You're alive..." You breathed, looking down as your tears slipped, bottom lip trembling as Kylo gazed down at you.

"I'm alive." He assured as you smiled, looking up at him. "I told you, I'd always protect you." Looking him in the eyes, you studied every inch of his face, eyeing his freckles and moles, more than glad that your universe was back in your hands.

"Was... Was that you in the avenue?" You asked. "Earlier?"

"Yes..." He slowly nodded as your heart skipped a beat. "I... I wasn't sure if... you were you. Not with your... belly." Kylo said, looking down at your stomach, your eyes following. "I was afraid you moved on."

"No... Never." You shook your head. "They're yours."

"They?" He asked as his head snapped up, you nodding with a smile.

"Yes... They." Seeing the look in his eyes, one you had never seen before, you chuckled. "Twin boys."

Growing wide eyed as his heart beat quickened, he gasped as more tears fell from his eyes. "Tw- Twin boys?" He whispered, looking back down as his shaky hands reached for your belly.

"Yes." You smiled, tears forming in your eyes once again as Kylo fell to his knees, pressing his forehead against your stomach and feeling the pair of life Forces. Your babies... His twin boys. His and your sons. "Our little babies..."

Leaving a long kiss against your stomach as he had sucked in a breath, he looked up at you with such bright eyes as your hands reached into his hair, running through the strands. "Ours..." He breathed as you nodded, only to hear beeping.

Looking over and seeing BB-9E roll over, you carefully moved to your knees. "Did you save my buddy?" You asked Kylo as you eyed the droid, holding its head.

"I had to... I couldn't leave the little guy behind. Although the biggest pain in my ass, Beebee kept me company." Kylo admitted as you smiled at him, leaning over and kissing his cheek with a small thank you before looking back at the droid.

Hugging the droid as much as you could as it let out the cutest of sounds, you gave it a kiss on top of its head. "I'm so glad to have you two back." You said, reaching for Kylo's hand. "My family."

At the sound of that, Kylo's heart swelled up, tightening his hold around your hand.

Leaning over, you moved your free hand onto his cheek as you sat up and kissed his other cheek. "All of us, together."



You know I couldn't kill off Kylo, he deserved better than that! Him and our lovely reader deserve their happy ending :)

Side note! I have a new fic coming out real soon (possibly around the time the bonus chapters come out) and it'll be a Kylo x OC (Jana Antares); it'll be a modern/dystopian au that I'm excited to put out because it'll also be a sort of Emperor!Kylo AU! So keep your eyes open for Noise when it comes out :)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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