xix. there's more to it

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Rolling your shoulders, feeling your muscles ache as a weight was felt against your chest, you took in a deep breath. You were trying your best, trying to keep your walls high and your mind set on your anchor. Anything to keep you stable... but something, something was there, lingering, and you felt it. Like a shadow. Like someone's eyes on you.

Changing into your uniform, you took in a small breath, standing there for a moment as you felt the world around you grow quiet. The wind silent and the vessel no longer humming. Shutting your eyes for a moment, sounds echoed within your ears and head, faint voices calling out but unclear. The words they had been speaking were incomprehensible.

Opening your eyes and seeing a dark forrest, poorly lit, your heart fluttered.

Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

Through Passion I gain Strength.

Through Strength I gain Power.

Through Power I gain Victory.

Through Victory my chains are Broken.

The Force shall free me.

Feeling yourself walk without you putting yourself to, as if someone else had been pulling you by a thread attached to your ankles, the haunting voices echoed within your head. Everywhere you looked, nothing but dark trees, the sky non existent, the world feeling cold.. Frigid air sending chills down your spine and making your blood run cold.

...would be a good asset...

A hallowed voice passed through your ears.

...join us or die...

The deeper you walked into the forrest, the more voices spoke to you. Echoed around you. Haunted you.

The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities...

I can feel your anger. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger...

Know the power of the Dark Side...

...quest for greater power...

Seeing the forrest become darker and darker, the world around you disappearing as you grew deeper into its darkest pits, your heart raced.



Hearing the thunderous voice, you forced yourself away. Snapping out of it with a heavy breath, your focus returned to your bedroom, everything returning to normal. The sounds around you tuning back into your ears, the hum of the ship vibrating underneath your feet as the gentle winds lifted strands of your hair.

Putting on the hat that you had to wear with your uniform, you sucked in a breath before reaching towards the open button of your door, only for your hand to linger. Something... Someone was behind that door. You felt that same sensation like you did when you were behind the wall.

Instantly hitting the open button, you saw no one. But, you knew, you knew someone was there.

Scanning the hall, you walked right out. It was empty and quiet, not a single officer, droid or stormtrooper near. Knitting your eyebrows, you walked along, continuously looking over your shoulder. You could still feel them... You could sense them. They were close. But, where were they?

Picking up the pace, feeling the Force grow stronger, as if it had a grip on you, you looked over your shoulder once more. No one was there, but, why did it feel like it? Sucking in a breath and whipping your head forward, your eyes landed on black fabric disappearing from a corner.

Quickly following it, hearing buzzing within your ears, you nearly slid as you turned the corner. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "What in the galaxy..." You mumbled, eyebrows furrowing as your eyes searched the area. there were no doors, just the hall itself. Just about to walk ahead, you stopped in your tracks, a voice then speaking from behind you.

"You..." Turning around, you took in a small breath.

"Me?" You questioned. "Are you trying to reach out to me?" You asked. "I keep feeling something... As if something is calling to me."

"No. But I had a feeling this was it. You were bound to appear again... Only in a matter of time. I expected it." He said... Kylo said.

"Why is this happening?" You asked. "Why do I keep seeing you? You were the one behind the door... weren't you?" Your eyebrows narrowed as you leaned forward the slightest.

Staring at you for a moment, he made a sudden revelation, "And you were the one behind the wall..."

"The wall?" You questioned, only to remember what had happened not that long ago. That presence you felt behind that wall, just like you had behind the door earlier. "The wall..."

"It was you, wasn't it?" He lifted his chin, you nodding.

"And it was you behind the door..."

"Not physically." Kylo said as your eyebrows narrowed. "But, through the Force, yes."

"How is it that we're seeing each other, if you're not really there?" You lifted a brow, taking a step closer as he kept his focus locked on you.

"The Force." He simply said. "You're sensitive to it. I know that. You must be... How else can I be seeing you right now?" He said as he took a small step towards you, you craning your neck to look up. "Where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"You're somewhere here... Somewhere near. I can feel it... I just can't sense your life Force." Eyeing you, studying you, Kylo turned his head slightly. "Your presence feels as if it's right there, but no one is. I'm alone here... In a hall. Can you see it?"

"No." You answered. "Can you see where I am?"


Blinking, you took a small step back. "This is going to keep happening, isn't it?" Looking him in the eyes as his own bored into yours, you took in a small breath.

"So it may seem..." He softly spoke, eyes shifting around your face. "There's a reason this is happening... You'll find me. And I'll find you."

"And when that time comes, what will you do?" You asked, although you were sure you already knew the answer to that. "I'm a mere officer and you're a... Commander."

"No, there's more to it." He said, voices suddenly filling in from behind you, his words seeping into your head before you looked away, "There's more to you."

Seeing the hallway suddenly fill with officers and marching stormtroopers, rolling droids that zoomed past you, you blinked. Taking in a deep breath, you resumed to what you were doing, returning to your post. Kylo's words lingered in your head the rest of the day. Your encounter with him feeling fresh. Something was bringing you to him, and it wasn't your bond with the lightsaber.



And there is far more to come from the bond ;)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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