xlvi. the greatest feeling

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*NSFW ahead!*

Quietly entering the room with wide eyes, fingers still shaking, Kylo took in a deep breath. He should've expected that from you. For you to pull something like that where you'd take advantage. Although he was still stunned by the fact, at least you had... fun.

Entering his chambers, slowly behind him, you looked around your feet and realized BB-9E was nowhere in sight. Usually, the droid stayed with the two of you and powered down every night.

Shrugging it off, you looked over at Kylo to see him taking a seat on the couch, eyes locked on to the ground. Sighing, you walked over. "Kylo..."


"Stop being so dramatic." You chuckled. "You wanted me to pilot it!"

Rubbing his face, he looked up at you. "I did not expect... any of that."

Letting out a small laugh, you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Would you like to share a bath to calm your nerves?" You offered, winking at him as he let out a small breath and nodded. "Okay I'll go set it up." Ruffling his hair, you walked away as he leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling.

"I actually want to do that again..." He muttered to himself before shutting his eyes, shaking his head.  Although it was terrifying, he had to admit... it was fun and he did enjoy seeing you laugh and have a good time. Even if he felt as if he were about have a heart attack.

Hearing the light footsteps, Kylo lifted his head and saw you, wrapped in just your towel, reaching for him. "Come on, nervous wreck." You teased as he extended out his arm for you to grab his hand. Pulling him up to his feet, you tugged him with you to the bathroom.

Shoving off the cape and tugging off his gloves as he stood there, you removed his belt and left his side to place it down on his desk before coming back to see him taking off his top, then boots. Going for his pants and taking them off, he stripped down until he was bare, you grabbing his hand and pulling him to the tub as he reached for you.

Wrapping his fingers around the towel that covered you, he pulled it off and dropped it before the two of entered the tub. Sitting down and sinking into the water as much as he could, you sat in between his legs and faced him.

"See... this is nice." You said with a soft smile, messing with the suds and bubbles in the water as Kylo watched you.

"Mhm." He nodded, reaching for your hands and pulling you to him. Puckering his lips as you chuckled, you leaned in and kissed him. Kylo kept you there as his hands moved to your face, lips gently moving against yours as your heart fluttered. Pressing your hands against his chest, Kylo moved his lips to your cheek and neck as your eyes stayed closed, a smile on your lips.

"Mmm... You're supposed to be the one relaxing..." You breathed, but Kylo shook his head.

"This relaxes me." He admitted, grabbing your hands and kissing your knuckles. "Very much."

"Let me wash your hair." You said, slipping your hands from his as he nodded, sinking deeper into the water to wet his hair before emerging once again, you grabbing the shampoo and conditioner.

Spreading it onto your palms and massaging it into his scalp and hair, Kylo felt himself drifting in and out of sleep. Feeling his head wobble, you laughed. "Hey, I need you to stay awake." Opening his eyes, he gazed at you. Turning on the faucet and rinsing out the shampoo, you then worked the conditioner into his hair.

"Make sure to put a lot." He said as you sniggered, doing so, knowing Kylo's hair was soft for a reason.

Watching you as you kept your focus on his hair, fingers running through it, tips massaging his scalp as a faint smile grew on his lips, Kylo took in a breath. It was quiet, the only sounds were the slight shifting of the water, and his own breathing. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on you, the way your complexion was soft, how you'd bite your bottom lip. You looked precious. And his heart had never felt this full before.

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