viii. an old friend

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"So this is what it feels like to sit at an awkward dinner..." You spoke up, eating your fish on a stick as you sat on a log. "Except... with Force ghosts."

"It isn't all that awkward." Luke shook his head, drinking from his bottle of green milk—something you still hadn't adapted to.

"It kind of is..."

"Hear you, we can." Yoda spoke, sitting in front of you.

"It isn't always that you get to sit around the fire with your Padawan and Master... although I do have two of each." The man beside Yoda spoke. Quite young, well maintained hair and beard. In Jedi robes. You were informed him to be a man named Obi Wan Kenobi. A Jedi Master.

"Padawan?" You questioned. "Am I considered one?" You looked over at Luke.

"Well... not entirely. You're more of just a student than anything. Padawan is a term for those training to be a Jedi." He explained. "As for myself, I am a Master."

"Of course." You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"I like her wit." Obi Wan Kenobi spoke. "Reminds me of a certain Padawan I once knew who became a fine Force user herself. Although... a sad turn for her. But she realized just how... corrupted both sides were."

"Who, if I may ask?" You looked over at Obi Wan.

"Of course you may..." He nodded, stroking his beard. "Her name was Ahsoka Tano. One of the finest... brightest of her time. The Padawan to my own. She was a commander of the Grand Army of the Republic... as well as a Rebel Alliance spymaster when the galaxy took its dark turn."

"She fought alongside me in the Clone Wars—a story for another day—a well rounded warrior. Strong with the Force. Very strong. But... she was hardheaded. For good reasons. She saw the corruption, what was wrong with the Jedi as well as the Sith. She was frustrated with the Jedi Council after what they had done to her and she disappeared..."

"But, eventually, she was found again. She helped the Rebel Alliance, although still hidden, she had faith in restoring the galaxy." Obi Wan explained. "She saw the good in the bad and the bad in the good. She saw what was wrong from both ends. But she knew what was right. And what was right was keeping peace in the galaxy, restoring a balance.  Preventing anymore disaster."

"Yet, here we are... and history repeats itself." He breathed.

"Where is she now?" You questioned.

"I'm sure she is long gone. It's been quite some time... Or, she could still very much be around but hidden. In the time you two now live in... Force users are better off hidden. Especially those who side with the light." Obi Wan sighed. "Especially with the First Order's biggest pawn and weapon."

Looking over at Obi Wan, you noticed the look on Luke's face at that. The shift in his Force... the sudden uneasiness. "Thank you... for telling me. She seems very much admirable. I wish I could meet her." You nodded, Luke's eyes shifting over to you.

"There are plenty admirable people who stood with the Rebel Alliance. And you are sitting right next to one." Obi Wan gestured over to Luke as Luke held his head low. "One of the greatest Rebels there was..."

"Thank you..." Luke lowly spoke with a small nod. Something was of matter to him. Something was wrong. It was obvious, and he couldn't hide it. His emotions oozed off of him for you to see. And you felt it in the Force.

"Leave you two be, we will." Yoda spoke before either him and Obi Wan bowed their heads, disappearing.

"Master Luke..." You spoke. "Something's wrong... What is it?" You asked, in hopes he'd open up to you.

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