xxiv. hole in the wall

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Sith Lord Darth Vader.

...light to weaken him.

...kill his own master.

My apprentice...

...the imbalance in him.

You are the true heir to the dark side.

Shutting your eyes tightly, you reopened them as you tried silencing your mind. Trying to put your thoughts elsewhere. But, your mind was hovering. It was caught up in all that you had seen... All that you had felt.

Mustafar was now on your list of planets to never visit again. It was nothing but a gas planet filled with darkness and... anxiety. Much like how you felt now.

Nearly rushing yourself to get to your quarters, the only place you felt partially safe in, you stripped from your clothing and took a second shower, scrubbing the heat that remained from the lava planet, off of you. You practically forced yourself to shower in cold water, in hopes that it'd help.

Stepping out, drying yourself and changing into your nightwear, you walked over to your bed and took in a deep breath. You needed to meditate. To reach out to Ben. You needed to know more.

Sitting with your legs crossed, you took in a deep breath and closed your eyes, reaching in your mind... and trying to reach out to Ben.

"Ben?" You called out, but, there was no response. "Ben? Where are you?" Eyeing your ever changing white walls, your eyes landed on one. One that had a small hole in it.

Narrowing your eyebrows, you slowly approached it, not having the greatest feeling about it. There was no good in having holes in the walls that kept you safe.

Coming to a stop before it, leaning forward, you inhaled deeply before looking through. Seeing nothing but a vast, dark forest, your eyebrows knitted once again as your heart skipped a beat. The feeling you got from it, the sense of hesitation, made you step back and force yourself out of your mediation.

It was clear to you that reaching out to Ben wasn't an option. You could only rely on sleep now. Sleep was your second option... Although you were sure that wasn't going to go well for you either.

Which, you were right. You tossed and turned every few minutes, not finding a comfortable position, and when you thought you did... you were only teased by the sleep that had hardly held onto you.

Lying on your side and staring at a wall, you huffed. You knew it had been hours of you like this, moving around, the darkness of your mind not letting you rest. Neither was your own thoughts. Everything kept reverting back to Mustafar and that cave.

Sucking in a breath, you turned on your back and felt everything around you fall still and mute. You knew what it was.

"So now you're in my bed?" You spoke, looking over to seeing Kylo lie beside you.

"You're in mine." He corrected, but you rolled your eyes. "Again."

"Fine, we're in each others beds." You sighed. "Why?"

Lying on his back, he stared at his ceiling. He lied there in silence, as if trying to ask himself the same question. He couldn't seem to understand what brought you two together at such random moments. "I don't know." He truthfully answered. "I'm still trying to figure you, and all of this, out."

"Maybe that's why..." You breathed, shifting your focus from him, to your ceiling. "You curiosity is drawing us together."

"I'm sure you're curious, too. This isn't something one sided, that's a fact." Kylo said with a small huff. "Do you think of me all day?" He suddenly asked and you couldn't help but feel flustered—both in a good and bad way.

"Do you think of me all day?" You mocked, Kylo only let out a grumbled snicker.

"Possibly." At his answer, you felt a small smile tug at your lips, but you looked away before he could see it. "Will I ever meet you... physically?"

Taking in a deep breath, you swallowed. "I'm not sure... I don't know..." You sighed. A small silence grew between the two of you, Kylo lying there and thinking about it and when he'd ever meet you, how that would go.

Now that you lied beside him, you thought: would he actually feel something from you? Would he be able to some how sense your Force? Now that you had a small opening in your mind, he had the chance to make some sort of bond... but, could he?

"Why are you awake?" You broke the silence.

"Nightmares." He admitted, you nodded.

"Me too." You said. Then, at the common dilemma, you pushed your worries to a side. "Maybe we should meet."

Blinking, Kylo's eyebrows narrowed. "Are you sure? You don't seem so fond of the idea." He said, looking over at you.

"Well..." You breathed, turning your head to look at him. "It isn't a good idea when I still don't know your true intentions." You smirked, Kylo glared.

"I don't know yours, either." With the look on his face, you were sure he'd be crossing his arms right now if he were standing.

Grinning, you winked. "We'll meet someday. I'm sure of it."

Quietly breathing, taking in a strong inhale, Kylo nodded. "Get some rest, it's too late in the night for you to be awake." He said, looking you in the eye. "Nothing will harm you here, not even your adoptive parents." He assured, but you wish he saw the whole picture... Maybe then, he'd say differently.

Giving him a half hearted smile, you nodded. "I'd say the same thing to you, but... I don't know your fears, Kylo Ren." Eyeing him, you gave him your last words before you disappeared from his sight. "Goodnight."



The bond is blossoming and it's only growing! I'm so excited for you guys to see where this is leading to and what happens next! I promise you, much more Kylo will come your way :)

Thanks for reading! Votes and comments are appreciated!


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