xxii. closer

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"I saw it... I saw it all. The abuse. The pain... The misery. It was awful." You said as you sat there, legs crossed, amongst the shifting white walls of your mind. "Ben... He's so mentally scarred. Mentally and physically."

"There's still time to save him." Ben said, sitting before you. "To save me."

"He just won't let me in."

"That's as far as you know." Looking him in the eyes, your eyebrows scrunched up. "How else were you able to have these visions? Those dreams?"

Thinking about it, you looked down. "There's an opening... There must be..." You realized. "I must've done something to get into his mind, to see his memories, without realizing it."

"You can get closer to him. Gain his trust. Reach out to him." Nodding your head, you opened your eyes from your meditation. Sitting at your post, you let out a small breath and reached through the Force, in hopes that it'd work.

"Kylo..." You breathed.

Standing in the shower and feeling the hot water steam off of his body as he pushed his hair back and away from his eyes, wiping his face, Kylo looked up at the ceiling as his hands came to a stop. A pull in the Force... A tug.

It was... you?

Shutting the water, exiting the shower and drying himself up, Kylo wrapped a towel around his waist.

Sitting there, biting on your thumb nail, you then heard a voice... Kylo's voice. "You called?"

"Yes, I-" Turning and cutting yourself off, you gulped. The water dripping from his chest so... gracefully. So graceful that if you stared long enough, you'd start imagining a waterfall. "If I had known it was a bad timing..."

"Well, we did... connect yesterday and you were in your towel. It was bound that it would happen to me, as well." Kylo said as you shifted your eyes up to meet his, the water dripping from the ends of his hair, some sticking to his forehead before he pushed it back. "Why did you... call?"

"Uh, well... I wanted to try it out?" You shrugged, but Kylo knew that was a lie.

"No... That's not why." He narrowed his eyes for a moment, aiming towards you, small steps at a time. "There's a reason..."

Looking up at him and swallowing, hating how close he got to you but also very much enjoying it—although you'd never admit—you took a small step back. "Okay, fine. I wanted us to get... closer."

"Closer?" Kylo's eyebrows knitted, amazed by your statement. Why would you want to get close to him? Someone you haven't physically met yet. Someone you still hardly knew?

"Yes. Closer." You nodded, Kylo crossed his arms as you looked at them, eyes lingering longer than they should at his flexed muscles.

"Closer, huh..." He lifted his chin. "Tell me more about yourself, Vega." Kylo lifted an eyebrow as you sucked in a small breath.

"I guess that's... fair enough." Pushing some loose strands of hair behind your ear, you breathed, "Where do I start?"

"The beginning. As far as you can remember."

"What, do you want to know my whole life story?" Your eyebrows knitted as Kylo shrugged.

"Just about."

"Will you tell me yours?"

"Not a chance."

Scoffing, you rolled your eyes. "Fine, I'm only sharing since I insisted this because I actually want to know the person I'm connected to by an outside force."

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